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i am a college student and i am curious- anyone's opinion is welcome... does a men like a blunt woman? should i avoid high school mind games and just let my desires be known?

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Okay, so my initial inclination is to tell you to be true to yourself.


However, if you want to not be lonely, you'll most likely have to tailor yourself to other people's desires, which is really awful and ridiculous. But, if you're comfortable being you, you'll draw people. So it's ultimately about being true to yourself, and tolerant of the fact that not everyone has the same goals in life as you do! :)

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eh, avoid mind games, they're annoying as hell. And if a guy tries to play them with you, run!


the wonderful thing about college is that you're liberated. If your personality is such that you ARE a bit blunt, and if a guy is turned off by it, there are so many other guys to chose from. Not to say that you need to be in someone's face with your opinions or ideas, but if you've got a strong stand about something, you don't have to back down because you're a grown up now, not some grammar school kid who feels she must "be nice" so that she can fit in with peers.


now, go get 'em tiger!

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I agree,


The whole freakin world would be a better place if everyone avioded them. But then I guess that would not appeal to those who like the "rules".


I say to hell with the rules!



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Wow. I was in quite a mood when I posted initially to this. My apologies to the thread starter: please take what I said with a grain of salt! But indeed, "This above all else; to thine own self be true..."


Games are dreadful and hurtful, and unless you enjoy having them played with you, tis best to avoid them.

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