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I dont understand the situation?!?!

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i knew this girl for about a year.. and when i first me her she had a BF



after they broke up i began to get really close with her within a period of 8 months

after finding enough courage inside my extremely shy self to tell her that i liked her


she told me that:

-she figured that i liked her, and her other ppl always told her

-her and her EX broke up cuz they always had arguments about me

-she likes me too

-she said that she feels in life there is one person that just like you or for you (i dont remember) and for her that is me

-but doesnt/not sure if she wants a relationship because "if we break up" she doesnt want to lose me


i still really like this girl, but i dont know what to do

ive been crushing on her since the beginning

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so i was talking to a mutual friend (more hers than mine)


HIM: so you like ______

ME: yeah

HIM: she likes you too, so you asked her out

ME: yeah

HIM: sucks she doesnt want a relationship, cuz she doesnt want to lose your friendship

ME: i know, but what am i going to do

HIM: you shouldn't have been her friend *jokingly

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If you take her words as truth (Sorry i dont trust many people so my first reaction was , she just isnt that inot you... but i am trying to fix that ;) )

Anyways.. If her words are what she is feeling i would give her time... If the break up with her b/f was a bit icky and she lost friends it can effect the next relationship...


Im scare as to get into another relationship, cause of my long term relationship failing and me loosing my best friend :/ Relationships can be scary but if her words are true back off a little bit and watch her come running ...

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^at first i though she was lying

then i thought about what she said

"i obviously like you too, more than a friend"

& she told her friend that she liked me, or he wouldn't of said that


but i dont really now what going on, im confused and have a heartache

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Beautiful Inside

im soooo confused WUT THE HELL IS THE PROBLEM HERE?.... lol no seriously this is so good just give her time she broke up with her ex and you've both admitted your feelings to each other trust me just play everything off as cool and treat her normal like your always do and she'll come crawling to you ....she'll realize that friendship is love love is friendship it'll be like have the best of both worlds seriously!!! plus since you guys are such good friends n all you'd really have a lot of respect towards each other and would treat each other nice and loving and be kind to each other you know.... a lot of relationships lack kindness and have too much sarcasm....i dunno im excited to see what the outcome will be will you let us know???!!!!

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& she didnt just break up with her BF then been apart for a while now 5months+


so ive gotten 2 different thing i should do.


take a break from her


act like nothing happend



..i also want to take her to the prom

*before i told her i liked her, i went back to school and put a rose in her locker with a note asking her to prom.

and she texted me saying thanks and stuff, when i called her after school and asked her if she got the note she said no,


but prom ticket sales are next week, should i still take her or just not go??

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