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Am I reading the signs correctly?

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So I was in a relationship with this girl for 4 months last year and I was set up in it by the girls best friend who I have also come to like over time since I broke up with her friend in November.


We have always gotten along and we always call each other names and that type of flirting and keep in contact weekly and sometimes call eachother.


My dilemma:


-I like this girl and we have good chemistry

-She is in a relationship, but a good friend tells me that it isnt that serious

-She admits she finds me attractive and reminds me of this

-She always brings up when I'm gonna come up to where she lives and spend the night (as friends of course)

-she tries to emphasize the "friend" thing, but it seems suspicious

-She laughs at nearly everything I say, regardless of its humor.


What do you all think? I think she might be conflicted and might be fighting feelings for me, but it seems like all the flirting, name calling, and those things all point to she liking me and i know she is somewhat attracted to me and she admitted it using "quotation marks" like she does when she doesnt want to directly say something.


What do you think and what should I do? Thanks guys.

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First of all, dating within the circle of friends is a no-no for me. She's best friend with your ex for crying out loud! Sure, you've only dated her for four months and it's only been four months since you broke up but it still doesn't change the fact that she's her friend.


Second, the girl who you're interested is IN A RELATIONSHIP, that's also a second hands-off property despite her situation of her relationship.


If i were the girl and i always emphasize "friend" thing with a guy, then i'm not interested or else i'll be hinting "more than friends" thing.


Anyway my point is, you can tell her you like her and want more but unless she says otherwise or she's finished with her current relationship, she's off property in my books.

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I'm with lammie for this one. Too many things that could go wrong. I wouldn't press the issue, unless her relationship is in its death throes.

1.) You don't want to date friends of your ex constantly. Even if you do it once, things can get pretty awkward


2.) I bet the girl's boyfriend isn't very partial to other guys liking his girlfriend. so what if their not "serious"? Respect him, and you won't have another potentially damaging scenario.

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vital signs pl.n. The pulse rate, temperature, and respiratory rate of an

individual ... to ensure that the state of their health is being monitored

correctly. ... The reading of the gauge at this point is recorded as the

systolic pressure ... Ahmed A. M. "Deficiences of Physical Examination Among

Medical Students. ...

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Island Girl

She is in a relationship it doesn't matter how serious.


And you are asking for big time drama if you are dating friends of exes - be forewarned.


Your best move is not to do anything.


Find another girl -- you are young, there are plenty.

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That's a tough one... I agree with the idea of not doing anything for the time being... Stay in touch, but don't push anything. Next time she brings up you visiting for the night, you might try saying something to the effect of "It would be fun to hang out, but I don't think your boyfriend would like the idea of another guy staying with you." See how she reacts to that, might give you a better indication on how "serious" her current relationship is.

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