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My friend and I like the same girl!

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I have a crush on this girl at school and I am a little shy. I'm getting close to talking to her but I found out one of my not-so-close friends likes her too. What should I do?

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First guy to her gets her. Single women are fair game.


Of course....this all depends on how she feels. She may not care for either of you.

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Ditto! Ditto! Ditto!


Dude, it's now or never. Make your move. It's sudden-death overtime in the Super Bowl. The first guy to score, wins.


That said, whatever you do, you should NOT panic. Joe Montana isn't wearing those championship rings because he panicked in the clutch, and neither can you. Gotta play it cool.


Get her phone number and tell her something along the lines of "You know something, you seem like a nice and interest girl. I'd like to take you out sometime. May I have your phone number?" Once you've done that, WAIT a good five to seven days (preferably seven) before you call her. Be careful not to be too visible either during that time. If you see her, throw a smile her way or something (you don't want to be cold), but then leave her alone (you don't want to be salivating over her either). Build a little mystery here.


But once the five to seven days are up, don't stall. Set the date up for the next weekend with at least three days advanced notice. In other words, set up the date, but make sure you have at least three days before the date that you set it up for (better to make it a Saturday night). For example, if the seven day rule means that 7 days is up sometime after Wednesday, then set the date up for the following Saturday. You can still call on that Thursday after you get her number, but don't set up the date until the next week. If she asks, tell her you've got plans and don't go into much detail. If you're feeling itchy and impatient, then you can go with it in five or six days - minimum of five, though.


WHen you call, give her a friendly hello a kind exchange or two and then get to business. Make it a date where you can both have some time to talk. Get on the phone, close the deal and get off the phone.


Keep in mind, this other dude may be working her, too. But I want you to remember one thing, grasshopper: it doesn't necessarily matter if she goes on a date with him before you do. It doesn't matter who shoots first, it matters who SCORES first. The longer you wait, though, the better the chances are that someone will score while you're debating whether to or whether not to.


Don't wait, but don't panic either.

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