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A question to women who post here - how would you react in this situation?

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nana yaw II

there is a girl in another department at my workplace who says hello when i see her. i say hello back, of course, but i was wondering if i go in her department and chat with her, would she take it the wrong way and think i was trying to hit on her?


how would you react in this situation, if a guy at work talked to you often? would you see it as mere friendliness, or that he was interested in you as potentially more than a friend?


i think she is pretty, but not really my type, so to me she is just a potential friend. i know that everybody is different and thus would respond differently in this scenario, but i just want a general opinion of how a person may react in this case.



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Ide think he was a creepy stalker who wanted to hunt me down and kill me in the middle of the night...

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She would definitely think you're trying to date her.. of course..


A guy from another department has started to come over to our department, each time, he comes over to my office and talk and talk... every body around teased me.. 'Oh, he's flirting, blablabla' One young girl, this week.. even say that he was coming over to flirt with me.. in front of my MM from work. He looked at me.. and I said.. 'yes I think he comes over to see me'.. :p


Of course women know when a guy is cruising.. it's written all over their face.. and sometimes in their shorts.. :lmao:

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I wouldn't take it as anything beyond being friendly, unless he puts out the "I'm interested" vibes. My ego isn't of the ginormous magnitude, that I believe every man in the world wants to hump my leg. ;)

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Beautiful Inside

no way i dont think she'd think that. I never ever ever assume any guy or girl was interested in me right off the bat never! i always assume their very nice friendly people that just want to go out of their way to say hello and be friendly ;) i think you should befriend her its such a nice thing to do and im sure you guys could end up being really good friends ;)

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I don't care what other says..you both say hello whenever you meet... of course she will say hello back... but if you go out of your way to chat with her.. sorry but she will definitely think you're verry interested.. come on.. don't be ridiculous.. when people are NOT interested.. they don't go in YOUR department to chat... :rolleyes:


There is nothing wrong with that.. if you want her.. go for her.. don't be shy.. don't wait for her.. she might be too old-fashioned and not make the first move.. ;)

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nana yaw II
Ide think he was a creepy stalker who wanted to hunt me down and kill me in the middle of the night...


i know is a joke, but i'm not that wacked out lol.

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nana yaw II
She would definitely think you're trying to date her.. of course..


A guy from another department has started to come over to our department, each time, he comes over to my office and talk and talk... every body around teased me.. 'Oh, he's flirting, blablabla' One young girl, this week.. even say that he was coming over to flirt with me.. in front of my MM from work. He looked at me.. and I said.. 'yes I think he comes over to see me'.. :p


Of course women know when a guy is cruising.. it's written all over their face.. and sometimes in their shorts.. :lmao:


so i shouldn't go in her department and say hello?

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Nana, think I'd listen to Lizzie rather than TBF when it comes to understanding blokes ;)
I would agree with this reliant on what kind of blokes you're talking about...
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nana yaw II
Nana, think I'd listen to Lizzie rather than TBF when it comes to understanding blokes ;)


so, i should not say hello then?


ok. thanks everyone.

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No that's not what I (or I think Lizzie) am saying, It's fine to talk to her as long as your not lying to yourself, it's ok to try to chat people up, just be honest with yourself, if you like her go for it, if she says no, fine. :)

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so, i should not say hello then?


ok. thanks everyone.



No.. no.. I didn't say that.. I said.. go for it.. don't be shy.. :bunny:

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Island Girl
I don't care what other says..you both say hello whenever you meet... of course she will say hello back... but if you go out of your way to chat with her.. sorry but she will definitely think you're verry interested.. come on.. don't be ridiculous.. when people are NOT interested.. they don't go in YOUR department to chat... :rolleyes:


I have to agree.


Sorry but if you suddenly start going to her department and stop in for chats when you do - it is pretty obvious you like her.

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nana yaw II
No that's not what I (or I think Lizzie) am saying, It's fine to talk to her as long as your not lying to yourself, it's ok to try to chat people up, just be honest with yourself, if you like her go for it, if she says no, fine. :)


i don't like her since she isn't my type.

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i don't like her since she isn't my type.

I guess its possible you just like her company but don't wanna bed her is that possible for men wow?


I thought only women could "friend zone" some one of the opposite sex and be totally OK with it?


If your going to just maybe make it clear in some way that you enjoy being her friend cause shes prob thinking oh this guys interested..

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nana yaw II

well, i'm being honest, she is not my type, even though i think she is pretty (if that makes sense lol).


i dont want to bed her since i'm not physically attracted to her, and i can only really have sex (in addition to truly enjoying it) with somebody i find hot. to me sex is about fun/pleasure rather than emotions, so this only makes sense.

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