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My girl drinks a lot when she's out with her friends, But never with me..??

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Stardog Champion

I have a great relationship with my live in girlfriend of 3 years. We're both 25. We've only had ONE break up where we broke up for 2 months to have some space, but she ended up coming back and there were never any other boys or girls involved. ANYWAY...


She recently went out of town with some friends for a mini-vacation and she mentioned she drank a lot. Since we've been together...I've noticed that she never really drinks much at home(occasional wine with dinner) or when were together but whenever she's out with her friends, which isn't a lot, but when she's out with them, she jumps at the chance to have an drink or several.

She's not much of a party girl, Doesn't seem like an alcoholic but it just seems like she likes to drink and get buzzed and get close to drunk, when she's out with her close friends, but never with me. I'm just wondering ...why?


I guess it bugs me because, she's mentioned in the past that when she was a teen(15,16,17) she'd always go to small house parties at her best friend's house on the weekends and drink a lot and would get drunk and that once she even woke up the next morning with her underwear on backwards. She claimed she'd black out a lot. She's not proud of it and was very reluctant to tell me about this once, but we were just sharing stuff one night.


SHould i be worried? i mean i get worried because when she does go out with her friends and some guys that are friends, I'm never invited. But in a way that's fine with me because, we should have our own space and go out with our friends, to keep our relationship healthy and not feel like were trapped. But I worry that if she drinks a lot, what if she blacks out and something happens? She gets really buzzed and sleepy very easily.

What should I do?

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I don't really know what to say.But if she don't invite you she might have something to hide.why else would she not invite you, unless she felt that you would humiliate her in some sort of way.

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