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green eyed monster dispute, need input please.

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okay here is this scenario and i hope to get some opinions on this.

my boyfriend of 3 years and me got into a fight today about a co-worker.


a long time ago he asked me to get his messages off his cell phone, which i did for him as a favor.


there was a message from a co-worker that i know he does alot of business with so i had no problems with that.


she asked him for a work related favor, and i had no problem with that either, but when she said "if you can do this for me i will love you forever hon". that i did not like and i told him and he laughed it off, and said that is just the way some people are and to think nothing of it.


i did forget about it after a while. i know he does a ton of business on the telephone with this woman and has developed a friendship i guess so to speak of.


so we had some tickets that had cost him $90.00 for a college football game. then something came up for that day (tomorrow, saturday) that we can't go now.


so he tried to find some one who wanted them but nobody wanted them. he said as a last resort he asked her and she was happy about getting them to take her son.


i was needless to say a little jealous, thinking that she may think he is giving her gifts even though he said it is a tax expense/write off, she does not know that.


so i told him to tell her that we are going to the game after all that you didn't know, or i had given them away already too, anything just to get them back from her.


so we got into this big fight about it, him saying how jealous and insecure i am and i don't trust him and what ever.


yes i was/am jealous, even though i've never even seen her, i do know that they have somewhat of a personal relationship on the phone, who knows beyond that but i don't think anything.


he of course said i don't trust him either, but my defense is that she may think the wrong thing, and yes i was jealous, and i admit that.


so then he said he would NOT take the tickets back, so i said that he was wanting to keep his word to her over my feelings about the whole thing.


he said i was just guilt triping on this, and i said that if it were the other way around i would do it for him, no questions asked.


again he said he would not ask me to do that cause he would not care. i said if you cared then i would do it for you.


well it finally ended with him saying he is not letting the money go to waste, by throwing them away, which is what he said i wanted him to do.


so i said i would buy the tickets from him. he said fine then you owe me the $90.00 and i want a check for them tonight when i get home!!


so in the end i found someone, a neighbor/friend of his families that works next door to them/him, and she said her son would love the tickets, so i gave them to him.


now i told him that i don't owe him anything because it was the same as him giving them to the woman.


but he insists that i bought them from him so now i owe him the money and i said i don't cause it is the same exact thing as him giving them away, but just now to someone else.


so how is right here? i am willing to admit if i am wrong on this and write him the check.

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i'd say you're overreacting. he didn't go with her instead of you, he simply gave them to her so she can take her son. what's the problem? it's OK to give gifts. And he did pick her as the last resort.


besides, if there was something going on, he'd never ask you to check his messages.


taking the tickets back sounds mean to me - her son is probably already all excited about going...


that's my view,


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why would you have to pay for the tickets when he is your boyfriend? why would you have to pay for them when he was going to "give them away" anyway? makes no sense to me, but i think that green eyed monster needs some taming and soon.

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