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Ugh. Can't figure out something to do!

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I haven't posted in a while. But anyways, I recently broke up with a wonderful girl. We've stayed friends, and all is good. Although I think of her as a really good friend, sometimes I think about what could have been. Recently, she has

been asking who I like, and constantly laughs at my jokes, as well as looking my way. Now, one of her friends says that she "sort of likes [me] back, but is confused and doesn't know what to think". I mean, I know that she would not want to risk our friendship telling me her true feelings. What should I do? I really would go out with her again. Any answers are greatly appreciated:cool:

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Ugh..can't figure out where I go wrong! Dating. ... I know people will respond

that it takes dating many people to have something work, but its a pattern that

seems ... I wish I could figure out what I need to change in order to do so. ...

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