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She likes me, dates my friend, uh oh

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Me and this girl have been "friends" a long time. about 9 years. She has dated 2 friends of mine during this time frame. Through all of this I have always had a hint she might have a thing for me, but I was never sure. But I never really was attracted to her. Always talked a lot but I never thought it would materialize into anything, I viewed it as a friendship but apparently she had other thoughts. When me and my gf broke up she immediately visited me and drunk hooked up, this was the second time actually. She still has a bf who is my friend, I feel really bad. I know what being cheated on is like, so i feel terrible actually. But at the same time, I think I really do like her a lot and dare I say love her.

She sent me many emails, texts, saying it was the best night ever and she wishes that we dated in the past and she is in love with me. This is making me crazy. She always wants me to visit her, and things seem awkward at times because I am not her boyfriend. How do I approach this? Do i tell her I am uncomfortable with the situation because she is with a friend of mine? Or do I let it go and play it out because nice guys finish last, I am convinced. I really feel right now we are meant to be together but I just don't want to say the wrong thing to her and upset her. She is very shy and sensitive.

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This girl is on the shady side. Although the influence of alcohol was most likely the cause for her actions that night, her texting you about how much she enjoyed it is obviously a clear sign that she is interested. But think- her boyfriends is a good friend of yours. This means that the girl has no consideration for your real feelings, that maybe you should respect your friend. Let this girl go. If you can't bring yourself to say that, then say you want to hold off for a while. it's better for all of you.

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