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I think I am falling for her, again..

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When I was in highschool, I had a crush on my best friend.

From the moment I saw her I fell for her. She was in my eyes the most attractive, funny and wonderfull girl I had ever seen. I got to know her, we became friends, and later we became best friends. A few years passed, my feelings didn't change, but on a day i got all my courage together and I told her I was in love with her. She said she didn't felt the same and said "Lets just be friends" (Anyone else who heared this line?:laugh:) I didn't want to lose her, so I stayed in her life, being the friend. I saw her dating other guys (including my somewhat overweight best male friend), I was there for her when she was sad, ill and dumped,... Hoping for the moment she would see the light and fall into my arms:rolleyes:.


Two years ago (4 years after I met her, we were in different colleges then) I went to her birthdayparty, wearing a T-shirt I made with written on it "I am your present, take me home!" She kissed some other guy that evening and dated him for over a year.

The day after that I broke all contact with her, I cut her out of my life.


A few months later I met my now ex-girlfriend and I had a very beautiful time with her. I was happy and even forgot about the other girl. But nice things aren't supposed to last long, so she broke up with me, said "she wasn't in love with me anymore".


So last month I contacted the "best friend girl" again, I just wanted a friend to talk to, someone who understands me, nothing more. We did some catching up, started to hang out on weekends,...

Last night we were watching a movie, I held her in my arms and it hit me, I am falling for her again!! I wanted to kiss her, but I just didn't had the courage.

I want someone in my life who loves me back, who says that everything is going to be ok when I need to hear it, I want someone who I can hold at night, I just want to know that there is someone who genuely cares about me..


So I am thinking, should I tell her?

If she wants me, wouldn't we be together already?

Why doesn't she give me a clear sign if she (doesn't) want's me?

Should I just wait?

Should I cut contact again?


I have plenty of other girls that are intrested in me, even a few who almost litteraly throw themselfs at my feet, but I am only interested in this one girl that I always tought was the one..


I would appreciate it a lot if someone could give me some insight or advice!


Thank you for reading!

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When I was in highschool, I had a crush on my best friend.

From the moment I saw her I fell for her. She was in my eyes the most attractive, funny and wonderfull girl I had ever seen. I got to know her, we became friends, and later we became best friends. A few years passed, my feelings didn't change, but on a day i got all my courage together and I told her I was in love with her. She said she didn't felt the same and said "Lets just be friends" (Anyone else who heared this line?:laugh:) I didn't want to lose her, so I stayed in her life, being the friend. I saw her dating other guys (including my somewhat overweight best male friend), I was there for her when she was sad, ill and dumped,... Hoping for the moment she would see the light and fall into my arms:rolleyes:.


Two years ago (4 years after I met her, we were in different colleges then) I went to her birthdayparty, wearing a T-shirt I made with written on it "I am your present, take me home!" She kissed some other guy that evening and dated him for over a year.

The day after that I broke all contact with her, I cut her out of my life.


A few months later I met my now ex-girlfriend and I had a very beautiful time with her. I was happy and even forgot about the other girl. But nice things aren't supposed to last long, so she broke up with me, said "she wasn't in love with me anymore".


So last month I contacted the "best friend girl" again, I just wanted a friend to talk to, someone who understands me, nothing more. We did some catching up, started to hang out on weekends,...

Last night we were watching a movie, I held her in my arms and it hit me, I am falling for her again!! I wanted to kiss her, but I just didn't had the courage.

I want someone in my life who loves me back, who says that everything is going to be ok when I need to hear it, I want someone who I can hold at night, I just want to know that there is someone who genuely cares about me..


So I am thinking, should I tell her?

If she wants me, wouldn't we be together already?

Why doesn't she give me a clear sign if she (doesn't) want's me?

Should I just wait?

Should I cut contact again?


I have plenty of other girls that are intrested in me, even a few who almost litteraly throw themselfs at my feet, but I am only interested in this one girl that I always tought was the one..


I would appreciate it a lot if someone could give me some insight or advice!


Thank you for reading!




Treat her like she's your best friends bratty little sister for a while .... tease her about her clothes, her shoes, her decorating, her car ... just nothing that she can't change, like her teeth, for example.


She what changes .... but quit acting like her friend if you don't want to be "just friends".

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Adding to what flash said, you can't treat her like a friend. I'd suggest that you start hitting on her and try to make a move on her.




You don't want her to logically think about your situation. Show her through your actions and not words.


If she rejects you, forget about her and move on, you gave it your all.

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I am constantly teasing her, lately it seems like a natural thing to do.

I have insulted her with the biggest smile on my face, either she laughs or she looks at me in a way that says "Did he really say that?" and than playfully hits me with a smile. If I escalate the teasing even more, I think it will become too much.

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