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Brain Sex

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From another poster I was clued into the March 2009 edition of Men's Health Magazine which carried an article on page 114 titled "Its not you, said Julia" about how men react when they're "dumped" and the effect of powerful bio-chemicals in the brain on men during the attraction phase, and what they go through when they're dumped, (basically its the equivalent of a crack or meth addict going 'cold turkey' ~ indeed crack and meth work on the same receptors and bio-chemicals in the brain that "love" and being "in-love" work on. Which is why, sex is 'supposedly" better[i really don't know? I've never tried either!] when using crack or meth?


Any rate the article really builds upon other material I've read about "Brain Sex" and the influence hormones and the brain's bio-chemicals play on men's and women's interaction at every level, (The book "Brain Sex" the Feb 2006 edition of Time Magazine and another by National Geographic magazines.)


Your literally are going through a 'withdrawal' from an addiction which is why you have the lost of appetite, can't sleep, can't think 'straight' and find yourself stumbling and fumbling through the goal posts of Life?


I would encourage you to contact the companies (Time, National Geographic, and Men's Health) and pay the money to get a re-print of these articles ~ for those of you that are going through a break-up/divorce. Once you've read them, you will be able to comprehend and understand a lot of what you're gong through and why?


Interestly enough? It would seem that women have and easier time adapting, improvising and over-coming than men do when it comes to a break-up/divorce. Men have a much higher suicide rate ~ even though they go out and drink themselves blind drunk ~ end up in a fatal car wreck their death certificates don't state such!

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