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I cheated, need advice.

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Ok, last night I did something really stupid. I ended up cheating on my girlfriend. This was strange on many levels. I am madly in love with the girl that I am with and want to spend the rest of my life with her, she is perfect in every way. The story behind what happened is this.


I got really drunk and met a girl out who was from out of town and leaving in a few days, she invited me back to her hotel so I went, while we were getting hot and heavy and damage was already being done I stopped and told her I couldnt go any further (we were already going as far as you can) she asked why and I told her, she was fine with it so I left. On my way home I couldnt stop crying I went to bed, woke up and still am in tears that I may have screwed over the one perfect thing in my life. I am not scared I am going to get caught, I am ashamed and hurt about what I did. I was wondering if I should tell her or not. I know if I tell her there is a chance that it is over, but I dont know I can live with what I did for the rest of my life.

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Be honest

true only you know what happen but YOU will always know what happened

love is not judge mental and believing in the love you share with your girlfriend the relationship will survive be honest about it don't try to excuse your behavior you did what you did i hate people that say later gosh i just don't know what happened ....right ........don't gravel or put your tail between your legs you where a man last nite be a man today come clean

believe me there is no reason or excuse you could offer to justify what you did but at least you did stop to bad let me ask you this at anytime did you hear this little voice say you shouldn't be doing this this is not right???

if it feels right go for it if it feel wrong than it probably is


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It was wrong, I know it was wrong, I knew it was wrong before it happened. But I still did it, I dont want to blame the alcohol so I wont.

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You can't love her that much if you were willing to be in such a predicament where the supposed "alcohol" did the walking into her hotel room. Please .... give it up bro, you want variety and there's nothing wrong with that except your girlfriend has a right to know so she can decide if that's what she wants! You are officially a "Cake" man - accept it! ;)

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I would have to say honesty would do it,but is a chance you will be taking that she'll leave you ,if not kill you.

I think having to live with what you did is sufficient enough punishment,but don't let it consume you .For we are only human with bad judgment at times and we'll continue to make mistakes.

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You really need to ask yourself why you were able to cheat on this girl that you love so much. Then you need to realize that had you not been drinking, you would not be posting this question. Now, ask yourself can you do anything to undo what you have done in an altered state of conciousness. If you love this girl so much, then how were you able to even look at much less speak to another girl? I hope everthing works out for the best, but don't let it happen again.

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[font=courier new][/font][color=red][/color] :o You sound like a amn that is totally ashamed with yourself and now you don't know what to do. Also this is an obvious case of the grass being greener.


There is no question that you must tell your S/O if you plan to carry on an honest relationship no matter what the consequenses. It is time to be a man, cowboy up (sorry my pain is still deep) and talk to her and explain to her that she has the worlds biggest ass but that certain ass is really in love with her.


If your relationship is truly meant to be,then it will overcome this one infidelity. If you don't tell her then when she finds out about it ( and she will find out) then she will dump your cheating,lying ass for sure. I added lie because a lie of omission is still a lie.

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I believe you when you say you really love and adore your girlfriend!


Was there anything you didn't get from that relationship? Is there a possibilty that you felt scared of losing her, didn't she give you enough respect, was she too independent?


Are her feelings for you as strong as yours are for her?


Is she a very strong and independent person who you look up to a lot but who doesn't always make you feel as "full".

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I can't begin to imagine how somebody could be so drunk he wouldn't notice that he was going to somebody's hotel room. In fact, if you were that drunk, you shouldn't have been able to get there under your own power.


Something just does not ring true.

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explain to her that she has the worlds biggest ass


ROFLMAO - I'm so sorry - but I couldn't help but notice this. Probably not the best thing to say - as its missing a few words and could be taken very wrongly - as I initially did. lol. I dont think you should say that she has the worlds biggest ass, she might not take that very well but that you are the worlds biggest ass, a few words can make a difference. lol.

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it sounds like you really do love this girl. you only really want to tell her for a selfish reason...to alleviate your own guilt. you want forgiveness from her for what you have done, but that will likely not be the result.


i am a girl. and i feel like it's wrong for me to give this advice, but from my own experience and observation, spilling the beans will not lead anywhere good.


i think the best course of action is to never do that again. whatever you have to do to ensure that...perhaps not drinking to that point...do it. you can perhaps work off your intense guilt by trying hard to make what you contend to be true love really work out.


if you continue to have feelings for others, then do her a favor and let her know that you're not the one for her.

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I agree with the previous poster.


Rule one, never cheat.


Rule two, if you cheat, never let the other person find out about it.


I know there's this myth that you can undo a bad thing but doing a good thing later, but you can't. Cheating's a serious blow to a relationship, whether you tell her or whether she finds out on her own. If you're having trouble with you're conscience that's just too damn bad. Not a very p.c. response, but the truth is the truth. If you tell her, might as well pack your bags.


Oh and about the "I love her...she's the best thing that's ever happened to me" stuff...save it, dude. You may like her, and you may in fact love her, but you're not yet committed to her. It's not like you tripped and fell and got your cock stuck in her clit, ya know...

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