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Wasn't thinking...now I'm stuck

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Little Kitten

I may ramble a bit in his but...I wanna know if I'm just imagining things or not...my ex and I have started talking again about the beginning of March. I had been avoidin him and his calls for about 3 months and well I got tricked into talking to him again. (Long Story) I decided to visit him and he was having several issues with his mom and his fiancee. (She claims she's pregnant, but she's really not...she does this to get her way...did it with her last bf) Anyway he and I talked about everything that was going on and he picked up some habits...he's started smoking and drinking heavily...something he has NEVER done before...and he looks terrible...He was so stressed and be basically poured his heart out...when I asked him why he got engaged to her...he never mentioned LOVE...he hasn't ever told me he loved her. But that same night he mentioned how things were when we were dating...then he says this, "I always believed you'd be the one I'd marry...I didn't want to tell you that...I know my situation is a little difficult and I'm engaged...but still things could change and I could still end up with you."I thought he was crazy I was thinking "Why would you even consider that? You're engaged and supposedly to the one you love...but he looked so serious, he's not happy and I'm not happy when he's like that. He told me that as he was talking to me that he felt like all of his stress was leaving. I massaged his head and told him that everything'll be okay and that I'll be there for him. We talked and sat in the car for about 5 hrs up until 2:30am. The very next day I told him that he looked like he was fidgiting...he admitted he was, "I was fighting with myself cause I wanted you and at the same time I knew I couldn't have you because I was engaged but in my mind I didn't care. I had to make myself leave before I did anything" I don't get him, I think he's fighting with his feelings. He's constantly checking on me...laughs at the littlest joke...shows a lot of concern if I'm botherned by something...I've known him for 6 years now..and I've been his g/f for two...hes known his fiancee for only 3 months...could he be realizing that his decision was a mistake??

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Just out of interest, do you actually want him back? Or are you just concerned about his feelings towards his fiance?

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Little Kitten

Actually I do want him back...I've been close to him for about 5 years now...his fiancee found out that he and I were still talking and well forbade him to talk to me..she sent me text messages pretending to be him telling me that he didn't want me to call or text him anymore...but the day I had surgery he called me...I called for his mom and he answered the phone and started talking to me checking to see if I was alright...if he sent me those text messages he wouldn't be talking to me...he's not happy...it's like he's settling...she's saying she's prego, and passing out for whatever reason and she's faking it....she's only passing out cause she knows how he took care of me when I fainted...paramedics were called and they never took her in...but me...they took me in for 3 days at a time...I'm hurt cause she's making him miserable....

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