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I just can't approach this girl..

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Hey all

I'm a very social guy and have had a lot of girlfriends, very easy to befriend,etc.

But this one girl, I just don't know what it is about her, that makes it so hard to approach her.


Anyways, I share a class with this girl, and I frequently catch her "checking" me out, followed by little laughs and whispers to her friend who sits right next to her.

so you know, I inquired about her to some of our mutual friends and they told me that she's a nice girl, and looking for a guy.

then later that day somehow my name was thrown into an online conversation where she replied with:

************ (7:11:59 PM): plus, i love him because he just seems really cool


I was really surprised by this of course, I mean I NEVER said a single word to the girl.

Do you guys think this is enough of an indicator that she probably likes me?


So I was thinking of approaching her in class, but you see, the class we have together constricts any social interaction WHATSOEVER. It's a 42 minute lecture everyday, silent throughout...but then at the end of the period, the girl gets swarmed by the 3 or so friends she has in that class. So now I would have to approach 4 girls and not one heh


I do have her screen name, but do you think it would be too "creepy", just randomly instant messagin this girl out of nowhere when I have never really formally introduced myself,etc.

I can try the Facebook chat because that is much more "casual" and from there I can get to know her better,etc...


So what would be the best way to approach her? and do you guys think there is enough evidence that she likes me?


I have to act quick because people are arranging plans for Prom already, and I dont want some other dude asking her to the big dance!

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Try facebook messaging, it is better for today. AIMing someone now seems too tacky, at least where I live.


As for that girl liking you, do you like her that much ? If so, there is no problem, I would think. All I can say is that your lucky that out of all the women in the world, the one YOU want likes you. (Women I would like never like me:() All I can say is, well, go get em tiger.

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i would go for it wut do u have to lose??? plus i jus have to ask where u get her SN from?? maybe she wanted u to have it? and IMO i think when a girl says "seems cool" they jus dont want to sound to hyped up in front of her friends.. thats she is jus playin it cool but thats MO....well hope it works out and keep us updated :)

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