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Friend admits her love

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It was drunk but ya she did it. She wrote me an email and texted me like all the same night. We have been friends a long time, and I am attracted to her now after she did this (she is cute as hell). She has a boyfriend now, but I recently broke up with my gf so that is why she is making the move I think. She said she liked me all along she was just shy and didn't want to scare me. I do not want to get involved while she still has a bf, but she is the type where she would be scared to be hurt by me. I am really confused, I would hate to start a huge drama situation but I mean if we wanna do it why not?


PS On a side note all of our friends have made inferences that we were more than friends for a long time, because they all thought she wanted me bad. Nothing was ever going on but now itll look bad on my part especially to her bf if she dumps him for me.

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Well being drunk makes it easier to actually admit how you feel about someone, but maybe since that has happen, she has been over analyzing all of it and wondering what to do now that you know and also what to do about her boyfriend.


Maybe she was scared because she was worried that you wouldn't like her at all and that maybe she was afraid that the friendship might get ruined if things didn't work out for the both of you in the long run.


I can say from personal experience, that your best bet is to wait it out. If she truly wants to be with you, she will do the right thing, wait till its the right time and not hurt either one of you at the same time.


If she asks you what to do, you should tell her that what ever makes her happy and that you'll still be her friend no matter what she chooses. Let her know your there for her and that you don't feel right about her betraying her boyfriend, that there is a right way to go about it all if you two should be together. Also remind her that if she was in your shoes and you had a girlfriend and she was single wouldn't she want you to wait and make the right choice.


I hope this helps, if not, let me know...

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she is asking me to visit her at her school, 5 hour drive from my school. Her bf goes to another school. Obviously she wouldn't even want him to know I am going, but I keep putting it off and making excuses. It just seems scummy even though I like her. I feel like I have to say something about being uncomfortable with it instead of waiting, but your right waiting is probably better because she has to know what I am thinking. She has to know the reason I am not visiting is because she is still going with another guy and I am confused.

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Strange as it may sound, you're actually in a fairly good position. Unless I read things wrong, she has admitted to liking you, and the feeling is mutual. Now that this can of worms has been opened, I think the best thing to do is let her know how you feel about her (if you haven't already) but let her know that it makes you uncomfortable since she still has a boyfriend. If she is willing to cut ties with him, then you jump right in. If not, then you might want to re-evaluate the situation before you get in too deep. If she remains unsure, let her know you care about her and give her a little time to sort things out.

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Beautiful Inside

I would only pursue her IF your only seriously interested in something seriously like long term relationship cause you said she's the type thats worried about getting hurt etc.... and especially shes a good friend and all you wouldn't want to hurt her in any way. so i would pursue this only if your really looking to make something of it. Could you see yourself dating her and being faithful and all?...

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Yes I definitely could see myself being with her and having a good relationship. See my current dilemma is between 2 options.Both of which I see as very viable and realistic. The first is to say, if she likes me and even loves me as much as she says she does, she will break up with her bf soon enough and eventually we can start dating once it won't be awkward to everyone else(if ever haha). The second option is to tell her that I am uncomfortable with the situation and that is why I am being a bit standoffish right now and not showing the same "love" back. Because I really haven't. And honestly I believe she wouldn't leave her current bf unless she knew I liked her because she wouldn't want to be alone. I also believe telling her this would be interfering with their relationship and be unfair to the boyfriend who I am also friends with. I do not want to put pressure on her to make a decision and I think saying the wrong thing could do that. I am leaning towards option 1 but I also think that I might give her the wrong impression that I am uninterested.

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