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What do you make of this?


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There's this guy overseas that I have gotten to know over the past year or so. I didn’t have any interest in him at first...lol. But of course as I got to know him the more i found myself liking him. There was definitely some interest on his part too but then all of a sudden out of nowhere, he says he's not looking for a relationship. There was brief mention of ‘there used to be a girl’ and a 'bad breakup'. I wasn’t sure where that came from but I slowly backed off of the friendship for a while thinking 'OK you've got some other stuff going on...i'll just be over here minding my own business.'


Anyway, during this time, he still contacted me by sending little emails here and there- kind of like "thinking of you" stuff. I kept it very light but the more I did that the more he emailed me sent me stuff and tried to keep in touch. We have so much in common and often are on the same wavelength, not to mention- his profession is one of my hobbies.


About a month ago he took a freelance work contract that he had to travel for and took up a lot of his time so he didn't get much in touch for about 2 weeks. When it ended he emailed me again several times. He told me about how he was hired for his friend’s wedding but he made a point to let me know the friend is a guy. I kept it light when talking about the wedding. I know how some guys think girls are wedding-crazy! Lol . Anyway, this time I decided to be a bit more open with the convo- and even flirted a little, I guess just to assess the situation- and he said it was so good to hear from me etc. and got really email crazy with his responses. The following week I was not able to go online and he got a little 'clingy'and emailed me a boatload of times. Ordinarily it'd be a drag but with this guy, I don't mind at all :rolleyes:. I thanked him for the stuff and apologized for not having had the time to answer. He was cool about it. So it doesn't seem like he has a boundaries issue.


If he initially blurted out he was not interested, then what gives? When I back off, he pursues harder. Are we friends? or more? Call me naïve but I’m so confused!

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People always want what they can't have. It's probably best not to waste your time or emotions on him, especially since he is overseas.

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I'm sorry I don't follow. I guess I should mention he was fully aware of where I live when he initiated contact. Does that change anything? :confused:

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