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he talks to long


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I enjoy talking to my bf on the phone and stuff but when he calls,he talks to long.So lately Ive been turning my phone off.Should I feel guilty about this? He also calls 3 times each day.But it starts to get annoying.



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3 times a day isn't that much. It's better than never calling, right? If you think he talks too long, or calls too much, why not just tell him? Honesty is the best policy.

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Maybe I will just set a limit to 10 minutes then after that,I'll say well I got to go now,cause Im very busy.


:) Thanks.



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and don't feel bad, at all. 3 times a day is way too much, even obsessive. is he insecure for any reason?

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I don't think 3 times a day is much at all - especially if it's a new relationship.


Most people eat 3 times a day, too. Is that way too much?

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your analogy is facile and illogical.


it obviously depends on the relationship. for patty, 3 times is too much. it would be too much for me. for most of my friends, it is too much. i would never phone a guy this often, he would think i was a lunatic. or possibly drunk.

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Patty - I think you should tell your boyfriend that you would rather not talk on the phone so much. And I agree that three times a day is a lot. I know you guys have been together for a while, and unless he has a reason to call that often I don't see why you should feel guilty for not wanting to talk that much. Even when I was just dating my husband, once a day was usually enough for us...like in the evening to catch up with how each other's day was, that sort of thing. Just like everything else, you're entitled to your own feelings on the matter and should just come out and tell him how you're feeling about it.

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Most people have a life, a job, responsibilities and things to do in a day. Who has time to be called 3 times a day by the person you're seeing, whether it's in the early stages or later on? That's just insane and indicative of someone who's insecure and clingy, or maybe has no life and needs to get one. If any guy called me 3 times a day I'd be changing my phone number.

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[color=orange] Personally, I'd rather have a guy, friend/bf visit me rather than waste valuable & sometimes LONG minutes/hours chatting on a telephone.. Unless he lives far away.. Then I 'could' see his point for talking to you long intervals.. He just wants to make sure that you're okay... ;) [/color]

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Hey Patty,


Just tell him ur not a phone person... I remember this guy who was obsessed - used to bore me to tears cuz he'd bug me wit calls and then not say much... In the end, it drove me away...


I can't even talk to my 'mother' three times a day! I love her to death, but I can't c what needs to be said 3 times in one day...


It's sweet tho that he's calling u with what I consider to be a sign of 'adoration'... Smile about it, tell him u appreciate it, but ur not a phone person... And remember how lucky u r - cuz some posts on here are from peeps just 'wishing' that their guy was calling as much as urs is...


Smile thru the good n bad,


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When he's not around anymore, you will long for those calls. Once you feel he's talked long enough, let him know you've got to get on to other things. The frequency of his calls indicates he's thinking of you and he enjoys talking to you. I think you ought to be jumping for joy. If you don't like talking to him all that much, maybe you don't really like him anymore. Think about it. Yes, maybe he could call you less too. But the guy obviously has a need to talk to you and you ought to feel pretty lucky.


I don't really think you're all that much into him anymore.

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Thanks,everyone.I never thought about it like ,how lucky,I should be.I like him Tony,I dont know if its normal but maybe you dont feel that attracted like you do, when you first meet.Maybe the newness wears off afterwhile,I guess.He looks better with long hair,I think.Thats how he looked when,I first met him.


As the phone goes,I think,I will try to be a little more friendly about it.



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Maybe you could try saying sweetly, that hearing his voice is special to you, but it would be more special if it was something you could look forward to hearing at the end of the day, as a little treat for getting through it!

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