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*Spinoff* Lying about age

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I'll have to disagree here. This is just my experience. Offline I have dated girls that were 5'6"-5'8". No big deal right? Except I'm 5'4". Maybe a shade taller. Online though that combination is almost unheard of. At least from what I've seen.



Well then you are illustrating my point exactly!


Realistically you CAN get women that are taller than you to give you a chance and date you in real life. Online you don't have a chance in hell because there are plenty men taller than you so the same women that might give you a chance in person will look at profiles of those guys over yours, it's easier to be a perfectionist in the search when you are basing a match on a bunch of superficial criteria. People construct ideal people. So if you are going for perfection it's NEVER good enough.


Real life doesn't work like that it is not so exact. People don't look at each other and make a connection and feel strong chemistry and go "yeah but he is actually an inch shorter than what I would like" or she is two years older than what I prefer, if you have a strong pull towards someone and you feel that spark all the stupid criteria is out the window, you like each other and that's that.


Online is not real therefore the expectations are unreal.

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Well then you are illustrating my point exactly!


Realistically you CAN get women that are taller than you to give you a chance and date you in real life. Online you don't have a chance in hell because there are plenty men taller than you so the same women that might give you a chance in person will look at profiles of those guys over yours, it's easier to be a perfectionist in the search when you are basing a match on a bunch of superficial criteria. People construct ideal people. So if you are going for perfection it's NEVER good enough.


Real life doesn't work like that it is not so exact. People don't look at each other and make a connection and feel strong chemistry and go "yeah but he is actually an inch shorter than what I would like" or she is two years older than what I prefer, if you have a strong pull towards someone and you feel that spark all the stupid criteria is out the window, you like each other and that's that.


Online is not real therefore the expectations are unreal.


which is why I no longer have an active profile online... I prefer "real" life connections.


Great thread!

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The worst is when they put up a fake picture. Even many women on this site do it.. They find a picture of some hot girl and then say "I look like her"


This one girl and iIwere about to meet. I really liked her picture. We chatted for about a month. I asked her to send me another picture. She sent me a collage of various models. I asked "Which one are you?"


She replied "Those are picture of women whom I strive to look like". She then told me even the first photo she sent was someone else. Then she was really mad when I told her I thought she was odd for sending me a fake photo, and saying it was her..



wow... that is really weird!!! that girl had issues for sure....

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I don't know why people make a big deal over a number. I've shaved off a few years on my age (i'm still young) and no one knows the difference. It's just that actual number that people trip off of. I don't even tell my age because people tend to be so judgemental when you get to a particular age. I keep it to myself.

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Realistically you CAN get women that are taller than you to give you a chance and date you in real life. Online you don't have a chance in hell because there are plenty men taller than you so the same women that might give you a chance in person will look at profiles of those guys over yours, it's easier to be a perfectionist in the search when you are basing a match on a bunch of superficial criteria. People construct ideal people. So if you are going for perfection it's NEVER good enough.


I totally agree with you. This is why if I'm going to be rejected by a girl, I'd prefer for it to be based on a combination of my looks and personality in real life. It's too easy to screen people online.

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