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why would someone stay with a convicted murderer?

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So there's this girl I like at school who I thought liked me as well. As we weretalking the other day she mentions that she has a boyfriend who is in jail for attempted murder. We're both 19 and in college. My question is what possible reason would someone stay in a relationship like that. Am I nuts oris she?


She has so many prospects. I just don't understand it. Can some one explain it to me?

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She is young and stupid, and probably thinks she loves him, and probably believes he's innocent. Nobody in their right mind would stay with a convicted murderer unless they were too afraid to leave him.

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There could be a number of reasons.


  1. She may have thought it was justified and that the judge/jury just didn't see it the same way.
  2. He may have already been convicted when they met (e.g. through prison pen pal program) and she is, for lack of a better phrase, a Manson groupie. Lots of girls dig that kind of thing.
  3. He could have done a job for an organization and she is drawn to the power that accompanies his standing and associations.
  4. She may be one of those people who is determined to "fix" him.
  5. Fear of what he may do when he gets out.
  6. Or, as Ellie said, she may just really feel that she loves him (whether she really does or not is beside the point).

Those are the first reasons that came to my mind. To know the real answer, though, you'd have to find out from her directly. Chances are slim that she'd give an honest answer, even if you did ask.

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There could be a number of reasons.


  1. She may have thought it was justified and that the judge/jury just didn't see it the same way.
  2. He may have already been convicted when they met (e.g. through prison pen pal program) and she is, for lack of a better phrase, a Manson groupie. Lots of girls dig that kind of thing.
  3. He could have done a job for an organization and she is drawn to the power that accompanies his standing and associations.
  4. She may be one of those people who is determined to "fix" him.
  5. Fear of what he may do when he gets out.
  6. Or, as Ellie said, she may just really feel that she loves him (whether she really does or not is beside the point).quote]

No, she knew him for a while, and he just got conviced. shes told me it was very unexpected for him to have done that, so i doubt she thinks hes innocent, or that she is attracted to killers. I know she wouldnt give me a straight-up answer if i asked her, not to be sexist, but ive never met a women who actually says what she feels. Im just trying to get her mindset.


Has anyone else stayed with a bf/gf after getting convicted? and if so what reasons?



Women are attracted to violent men.


If thats the case, then women are ****ed up!

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So there's this girl I like at school who I thought liked me as well. As we weretalking the other day she mentions that she has a boyfriend who is in jail for attempted murder. We're both 19 and in college. My question is what possible reason would someone stay in a relationship like that. Am I nuts oris she?


She has so many prospects. I just don't understand it. Can some one explain it to me?


Some people think the Bonnie & Clyde lifestyle is romantic.

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  • 1 month later...

Some girls just happen to find the bad boy image a turn on...A guy in jail for attempted murder is definitaley a bad boy....

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Citizen Erased
seems to be the case


Yeah, I'd take someone that tries to kill people over a "normal" :rolleyes: anyday of the week.

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Some girls just happen to find the bad boy image a turn on...A guy in jail for attempted murder is definitaley a bad boy....


Damn, so that's what I've been doing wrong all these years.

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Women are attracted to violent men


Errr no, that's doesn't apply to all women so instead of saying women say ''some women''.


Not cool generalizing it don't ya think? No way I would talk to a convicted murder.


To answer the question I guess it's probably low self-esteem or something that she wants to fill in a gap she might have been looking for over the years.


No self-respecting normal and educated woman would be with a convicted violent man.

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I know a few people who have been convicted of murder. Two, actually.


Did you know that you can be convicted of murder (manslaughter) even when it was ACCIDENTAL? Wow. Imagine that.


Unless it's first-degree, premeditated MURDER, don't be so quick to judge the character of convicts.


My state has no attempted murder charge. It's called assault here. And unless you know the details of the assault case, I wouldn't be so quick to judge the character of the assaulter, either. Assault in self-defense is still assault.

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Did you know that you can be convicted of murder (manslaughter) even when it was ACCIDENTAL? Wow. Imagine that.


Wow that would suck. I imagine if you owned a gun and an assault comes to your house threatening your life at the same time and as you're gonna shoot him, you accidentally shoot the wrong person and he dies as a result. Now that would suck big time.


Good point haven't thought about that.

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Yeah, I'd take someone that tries to kill people over a "normal" :rolleyes: anyday of the week.


you've got problems citizen. :laugh:


I know a few people who have been convicted of murder. Two, actually.


Did you know that you can be convicted of murder (manslaughter) even when it was ACCIDENTAL? Wow. Imagine that.


Unless it's first-degree, premeditated MURDER, don't be so quick to judge the character of convicts.


My state has no attempted murder charge. It's called assault here. And unless you know the details of the assault case, I wouldn't be so quick to judge the character of the assaulter, either. Assault in self-defense is still assault.


no mate. i dont know where you're from but here in california, manslaughter takes place of murder III, not premeditated not intensional, that is a slap on the wrist unless you did it while in wreckless endangerment or willful disregard of life or the public.


Assult is a completely separate crime that comes in two flavors, aggrivated assult and assult with a deadly weapon. however no DA in there right mind would prosecute a self-defense crime unless he suspected wrongdoing or premeditated state of mind.


Which leaves us with Murder I, or felony homicide. The only people convicted of this are those who are found to have killed with malice, ie they wanted to kill and did so knowingly and in full sanity. California also does not differentiate between attempted and successful murder, as in the eyes of the state, wanting and trying to take a life is just as bad as actually doing so. This makes sense because its not the act that is being punished but rather the state of mind, and in both cases the state of mind remains constant. The only variable is success vs failure.


As you can see I dont have to know the exact details of the case, as california law pretty much takes care of that for me. and considering how hard it is to actually get convicted of a capital crime, im gonna go ahead and say he did it. And while I may not have the full story, its not exactly normal to go around trying to kill people, no disrespect to your friends, unless the killing was in some way justified. Even if he was a good person and did get into some trouble, you dont compound the crime, thats just a reflection of his intelligence, or lack there of.

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Wow, dude, you have quite some confidence in the justice system and how they never, ever, make a mistake.

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Wow, dude, you have quite some confidence in the justice system and how they never, ever, make a mistake.


Actually quite the contrary. But I'm making a point. And that is in this system in which 12 strangers have to find u at fault beyond a reasonable doubt, the very same system in which many known murderers walk free, makes it very unlikely that an innocent person would go down for murder. Especially in this day and age. Its not a crime drama movie, its real life. And I'm not exactly sure why ur defending this guy in the first place.

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So there's this girl I like at school who I thought liked me as well. As we weretalking the other day she mentions that she has a boyfriend who is in jail for attempted murder. We're both 19 and in college. My question is what possible reason would someone stay in a relationship like that. Am I nuts oris she?


She has so many prospects. I just don't understand it. Can some one explain it to me?



Because she is in love with him (plain and simple). He may have commited a crime that she is disgusted with but she can't help it that she's still in love with him. How easy it would be to turn our feelings on and off if we could.

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Straight women are attracted to what they perceive to be dominant/strong/aggressive men, and a man who is violent enough to commit murder has reached the logical extension in action of those traits. That's why I hate men, and the women who love them; a straight woman would rather some scum-sucking lowlife, providing that he is dominant/aggressive, than someone who is caring/compassionate/meek, let-alone another woman... no matter how nice/sophisticated/intelligent they might be in every other respect, their mate selection is deranged as a consequence of ancient evolutionary imperatives, and there's just no escaping that.

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Straight women are attracted to what they perceive to be dominant/strong/aggressive men, and a man who is violent enough to commit murder has reached the logical extension in action of those traits. That's why I hate men, and the women who love them; a straight woman would rather some scum-sucking lowlife, providing that he is dominant/aggressive, than someone who is caring/compassionate/meek, let-alone another woman... no matter how nice/sophisticated/intelligent they might be in every other respect, their mate selection is deranged as a consequence of ancient evolutionary imperatives, and there's just no escaping that.



Can't women say the same about most men? Straight men would rather have some superficial, golddigger, providing she is beautiful and make his friends tongues hang out of their mouths like a panting dog; rather than have a caring/compassionate/meek woman who may not be as good looking?


See how that goes both ways? Why is it that all the nice guys go for the goodlooking girls and why do nice girls go for all the bad boys? Why don't the nice girls and nice guys date each other and stop trying to change themselves to attract what they can't get?

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Purg has a point, though. I often score chicks while beating people into a bloody froth. Something about the sight of extruded viscera, would be my guess.

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Can't women say the same about most men? Straight men would rather have some superficial, golddigger, providing she is beautiful and make his friends tongues hang out of their mouths like a panting dog; rather than have a caring/compassionate/meek woman who may not be as good looking?


See how that goes both ways? Why is it that all the nice guys go for the goodlooking girls and why do nice girls go for all the bad boys? Why don't the nice girls and nice guys date each other and stop trying to change themselves to attract what they can't get?


Sure, but while I don't want to say anything particularly good about men, the difference is that "good looks" aren't in themselves a bad thing, whereas dominant/aggressive/violent behavior is.

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So there's this girl I like at school who I thought liked me as well. As we weretalking the other day she mentions that she has a boyfriend who is in jail for attempted murder. We're both 19 and in college. My question is what possible reason would someone stay in a relationship like that. Am I nuts oris she?


She has so many prospects. I just don't understand it. Can some one explain it to me?

I dunno man, but I'd stay far away from a girl with a boyfriend in jail for attempted murder. Firstly because of her -- what's it say about her that she's waiting for him? Secondly, because the attempted-murdering BF could send his buddies over to cut your balls off when he finds out through them that you're going after his girl.


If it was attempted murder, that means the BF was actually trying to kill the victim. And keep in mind, the only thing that stopped the BF from being an actual murderer is that the victim managed to survive whatever the BF did to him.


Word to the wise. There are lots of girls out there who DON'T have attempted-murderer BFs in jail.

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