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i need advice very badly

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My girlfriend and I just broke up. Well she broke up with me. She says she doesnt want to be with anyone.. no relationship at all. She didn't even tell me to my face or over a phone. She typed it all out. Here I will give you the conversation. Please give any advice.


her: listen, i lvoe you too...dont ever forget that


her: ive been doing a lot of thinking though


her: and youre going to hate me


her: or atleast thats my worst fear


her: i hope youll be as understanding as you always have though


her: this has nothing to do with you or anyone else


her: and i really cant explain what im feeling


her: but i want to be alone...


her: i want u to come here in july still


her: hello?


Plight Hereafter: i


her: i?


Plight Hereafter: i dont know what to say


her: well ..


her: im only praying u say u understand


Plight Hereafter: your dumping me.. thats the jist really.


her: u didnt have to put it so nicely


Plight Hereafter: well atleast you didn't drag me along


Plight Hereafter: thank you


her: i just dont think i can be in any relationships at all


Plight Hereafter: ever


her: ever?


Plight Hereafter: ever be in one


her: jezuz thanks


Plight Hereafter: no im asking


her: so ur saying that i cant ever be in a relationship


Plight Hereafter: no.. im asking


her: asking what/


Plight Hereafter: if you feel that you can never be in one


Plight Hereafter: .. with me i guess is what i really want to know


her: with anyone?


her: i love you doug


her: i do


Plight Hereafter: thats a no


her: no its not


her: youre the best person i have ever met


her: it has nothing to do with you


her: if i ever straighten msyelf out


her: then there is the possiblity of us again


Plight Hereafter: i see you moving on.. honestly


her: stop please


her: im not doing this to look for someone else


her: if anyone else came along


her: id stop myself..


her: bc the whole point of this is for me to be alone


Plight Hereafter: i cant stop... i cant stop this.. i know im making you feel


bad and im sorry


Plight Hereafter: i understand that


her: u cant make me feel any worse than i already do


Plight Hereafter: im sure it doesnt compair


her: thanks


Plight Hereafter: sorry


Plight Hereafter: straighten yourself our.. alright


Plight Hereafter: er out


her: why do u sound liek


her: ur being nasty to me


Plight Hereafter: i dont know.. maybe we should be on the phone.. cause


thats not what im trying to do


Plight Hereafter: actually i would rather that.. this seems so cold


Plight Hereafter: very cold


her: cold


her: jezuz chirst


Plight Hereafter: cant you understand


Plight Hereafter: understand me


Plight Hereafter: this one time


Plight Hereafter: dont take offence


her: of course....but dont call me cold and then expect me to be


able to talk to you on the phone


her: u know how i am with talking period


her: i feel like a bitch


her: i feel like an a**h***


Plight Hereafter: im not calling you cold... im saying this is like a dear john


her: and any other word u can think of


her: bc i made all these promises


her: and im ##### breaking them


her: and im tearing u up


Plight Hereafter: that part is true


her: which is the last thing i want to do


her: but its too late for that


Plight Hereafter: yes


her: do you hate me


Plight Hereafter: i could never hate you


Plight Hereafter: im afraid


her: are you still going to come back


Plight Hereafter: im so afraid


Plight Hereafter: for what reason


Plight Hereafter: why would you want me there?


her: if i didnt want you here i would tell you


her: i care about you more than anyone


her: i do love you


Plight Hereafter: everytime you say that


Plight Hereafter: it reminds me that people can love someone dearly...


Plight Hereafter: but that doesnt make them want to be with them


her: cant you jsut take my word


her: that i still want you to come here


her: if u dont want to then say so


her: ill understand


Plight Hereafter: i've lost you...


her: i jsut wish i could hook up a cord form my head to yours


her: so you could understand what i was thinking


Plight Hereafter: me too


her: dont say lost


Plight Hereafter: there are no other words


her: not lost though


Plight Hereafter: then what


Plight Hereafter: what


Plight Hereafter: what else


her: i dont know


her: but i dont not want to see you again


her: its not like that


her: that would be lost


Plight Hereafter: so i could come there and what? I would be your pal?


her: my god im sorry i asked ok


her: forget i asked


Plight Hereafter: please


her: im too coldhearted to be around anyways


Plight Hereafter: i just want to know


Plight Hereafter: so you want to be friends


her: i dont know what it would be like


her: i dont


her: well for the most part yes


her: i dont know how it would be if u came here bc i cant see the




her: i just dont want to lose you latogether


her: which i know is a lot to ask


her: seeing as im doign this to you


Plight Hereafter: if you think you could have me as a friend if you are ever


with another man.. that would be too much to ask


her: for gods sake


her: you are not getting this


Plight Hereafter: no im not


her: i do not want to be with anybody


her: anyone


her: no one


her: not just you


her: anyone


her: im not going hunting for anyone else


her: and if anyone comes along


her: im ignoring it


her: bc i cant have this right now


Plight Hereafter: why not


her: bc i lose all sense of reality


Plight Hereafter: what do you mean


her: i cant recognize priorities


Plight Hereafter: like what


her: or the concept of time


her: like school


Plight Hereafter: im not stopping you


her: i know


her: i stopped myself


her: bc of you


Plight Hereafter: WHY


her: bc i thought..


her: that if i was in school


her: and there was a point we could be together


her: and i had to move


her: it wouldnt be possible


Plight Hereafter: i dont see what you see at all.. i see a coward. honestly


her: thanks


her: so much


Plight Hereafter: i know im being harsh


her: ah well


Plight Hereafter: i want you to go to school.. actually i want you to do..what




her: i deserve it dont i


Plight Hereafter: how can you not just be with me and go to school.. take


things as they come


Plight Hereafter: i visit.. you visit


her: bc i cant


her: its not the way my mind works


Plight Hereafter: i'll come


her: thank you


her: i know you probably dont care, but that means a lot to me


Plight Hereafter: you know i care about you more than anything


Plight Hereafter: and i can never hate you


LaydiAmos: i know


Plight Hereafter: you know that too


LaydiAmos: yes


Plight Hereafter: so to say i dont care.. or ask if i hate you


Plight Hereafter: is not nessisary


her: i know


her: im just upset iwth myself


her: for what its worth


her: im sorry


Plight Hereafter: tell me if you ever do.. down the line.. start seeing


another person.


her: ok


her: so now that ive ruined your day


Plight Hereafter: ya ill be better tomarrow ;-)


her: i hope so


Plight Hereafter: i guess its true sarcasim doesnt translate well in text hehe


her: i guess not


her: im sorry to do it like this


Plight Hereafter: me too


her: but i wouldnt have gotten anything out on the phone


her: ill understand if u and robby dont want me in cj anymore




Plight Hereafter: i would rather not change a thing


Plight Hereafter: not let the world know


her: thank you


her: well i wasnt about to go out and advertise it


her: thats all you


Plight Hereafter: whats all me


her: telling anyone


Plight Hereafter: robby will know


Plight Hereafter: thats it


her: well yea


Plight Hereafter: i can't say he won't hate you.. heh


Plight Hereafter: but i doubt it


her: i knwo he will


her: ive hurt his best friend


Plight Hereafter: do you want me to bring you back the book


her: why wouldnt i


Plight Hereafter: i dont know


Plight Hereafter: i just had to say something


her: ok


her: i got a job


Plight Hereafter: good


her: for some lighter news


her: starts tues


her: 830 to 4


LaydiAmos: ahot thinks ima dude


Plight Hereafter: and ent thinks your fine


her: heh yea


her: but u know the post i did


Plight Hereafter: ya


her: and mentioned my need for wallpaper


her: i got one response


her: from some sp1te person


Plight Hereafter: ya


her: it was some half naked chic


her: and he referred to me as dude


Plight Hereafter: heh


her: i emailed him back but it came back to me saying its having


problems mailing


Plight Hereafter: do you see yourself with anyone else.. i want a truthful




her: i dont see anything


her: youre asking me about the future


her: which u know is something that i do not like to think hard




Plight Hereafter: im not asking about the furure


Plight Hereafter: future


her: then what are u asking about?


Plight Hereafter: i feel inside of me that i can't be with anyone else


Plight Hereafter: it has nothign to do with forsight


her: ok


her: well i cant answer that question...honestly i dont have an




Plight Hereafter: alright


Plight Hereafter: then i think im going to go for the night


her: ok


Plight Hereafter: not away, just not in this chat


her: ok


Plight Hereafter: goodnight


her: godonight


her: good

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The only advice I can give you is forget this chick.


But I do have some opinions. She got a lot of loose screws. She is confused. You are not the only one she corresponds with, in my opinion.


I think you are the luckiest man in the world to be rid of this lady. Love doesn't mean anything if it's directed at someone so confused, so shallow, so off the wall.


You did not describe the length of the relationship or its context. But anyone who would break up with you in what appears to be a chat room or instant message environment has the sensitivity of a microbe.


There are so so very many wonderful ladies who you will meet now that you are free. Lift any sorrow you feel now and celebrate the fact that you are now able to find a truly fulfilling situation for yourself.


And there are many college girls who could fall madly in love with such a prolific typist as yourself.

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I couldn't stay away from her. Last night I went to a bar and got a little drunk. Upon coming back I emailed her telling her that I didn't see why we could not still be togeather and her still go to school. She didn't respond until I talked to her later. She said she didn't know what to say, however she had made her decision. So I then told her that I couldn't have any reminders of her in my life, because it was breaking my heart everytime I saw her. I and a group of old highschool friends run a website, and she wa part of it, but I deleted all of her posts and removed her name from everything. (as a background here I'm sure we seem like a internet relationship, but I know her through a friend, we met elsewhere and are continueing our relationship long distance *im in the army*) She has not responded to me other than "jesus christ, you don't understand.." and I said "your right" "i cant".


I love her so much, and she claims to still love me just as much as ever, but wants no relationship with anyone. She is so beautiful and wonderful. I can't lose her.

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You are reacting to this in the ABSOLUTELY WORST, MOST TERRIBLE possible way you could if you thought about it for years.


First, if you want to EVER in your lifetime or in ten lifetimes to come EVER, EVER want a chance to get her back in your life, those chances are increased to the degree that you can act like a sane, rational, mature MAN and not a lovesick pup. No desireable, sane woman, anywhere in the Universe, is attracted to a man who can't handle himself in these situations. It is very normal to be sad and heartbroken but to lack the sensitivity and consideration to make it difficult on the other person (who is also going through great pain) is just supremely selfish. You are proving to her beyond a shadow of a doubt, by your behavior, that she has done the absolute correct thing by getting AWAY from you.


I am on my knees at the keyboard now, praying that you will learn some love and life strategies that will get you where you need to be. Don't make it so difficult on this girl. Breaking up with a guy is NOT easy for a girl, most of them anyway. Most decent ladies go through days, months and even years of mental anguish before they bring themselves to break up with someone. Understand that you could drive her out of her mind by acting very cool and totally the opposite of how you are acting now. If you had been mature, accepting and cool about all this, she might have been right back in your arms now.


There are some women (just some) who actually thrive on seeing their ex's crack up under these circumstances because it is revenge for the way they were treated...or they just have a morbid sense of how they get satisfaction. You NEVER want to give anyone, male or female, the satisfaction of knowing they have emotionally crushed you or damaged your life in some way.


I don't know what to tell you except you just have this all wrong. I wish I could take away your sadness and grief over this break up. I have been there before and it hurts like holy hell. But you have got to learn that you can't have every woman who comes down the pike...and you have to treat all women with consideration, decency, respect and empathy for the way they feel. You are driving this girl to being repulsed by you and even hating you if you continue torturing her.


Back off...go through your sadness with friends or family. Go through the pain...heal...and move on.


I have no idea how old you are and it doesn't matter. I've seen men in their 30s and 40s act like this. They just don't realize how foolish it looks and how it drives women away. Lady's are fiercely attracted to men who are aloof and cool and go with the flow. They are so very comfortable with a man who makes it easy for them to break up with that often they come right back.


In your case, there's just no chance. I am so sorry but please don't take my word for what I say here. Go ask some lady friends you have to tell you first hand from their perspective. Just be very honest about how you have conducted yourself here.


Before she goes to court and gets a restraining order on you, STOP emailing her, walking up to her at bars, calling her, sending messages to her directly or through friends, or having any contact with her whatsover. Please, for the sake of the human race, leave this lady alone. She deserves the courtesy and you deserve someone who cares about you enough to stay with you.



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I agree with Tony here. When I broke up with my boyfriend, it was very hard for me to do, and he couldn't understand why I did it--I can't even say I understood. But for a few weeks after that, he emailed me these really wonderfully sappy love letters, sounding much like you do here. He couldn't live without me, I was the driving force for his life's purpose, I was perfect, and he lost the best thing that has ever happened to him. These things are wonderful things to say, don't get me wrong, but I broke up with him because I didn't want to be with him at that time and I definatly didn't want to hear those things after the fact. Getting these messages made me want to get further away from him, he was so desperate. Girls don't want and will never be attracted to someone so desperate. After a month though, he started sending me emails about how great he was doing, all the parties and places he was going. I was upset that he had moved on and I was still struggling (even though I was the reason for the break up, it still hurts us just as much). This made me want to be with him more. I ended up calling him once a week just to hear his voice. I even asked him to go out with me one night. He doesn't call me, I call him still to this day. When I do talk to him, occasionally he tells me that he is still in love with me. We are still apart, and I don't want to get back together with him. But I'm glad he realized what he needed to do to move on.


You need to give her her space, that is what she wants. It sucks and it is going to hurt a lot. but there is nothing you can do about it. All you can do is not give in to the temptation of talking to her, emailing her, or anything else. Not only will this make her miss you and realize that she really does want to be with you or does not want to be with you (there are always risks), but this will also help you to weed her out of your life. There are so many ladies out there who would be perfect for you, even though it may not seem like it now.

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