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Why do I keep having these dreams?

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mr.dream merchant

***I posted this in the the Dating Forum but saw this one to be more fitting. Sorry for the double post Moderators!***



Every so often I will have a dream. And in this dream I'll be working, or in the mall, or with my boys. And in this dream my GF will be around, to accompany me. In these dreams, there will be a guy that I've seen somewhere before, I don't know these guys or ever talked to them, just seen them somewhere. These guys are attractive and have an unknown swagger about them in the dream, and when I saw them in real life. They are almost always my GF's type. As in, the kind of guy she's attracted to. In these dreams, he and my GF interact. More often then not its flirting. Smiles, laughs, light touching. Some cases its infidelity. Kissing, groping. Sometimes in the dreams, it happens when I turn away to do something then turn back to see it. But a majority of the times it happens before my eyes, with my GF acknowledging and dismissing my feelings, and disrespecting me. She'll utter the phrase "Act like a man" or something similar to it, often belitting me while fooling around with these random good looking guys. In these dreams I can sense a great deal of frustration and insecurity. I don't get it. My insecurities have died down alot, jealousy as well. These dreams keep coming back. Even after having a wonderful day with my GF they happen.


Just yesterday we went to the movies to see The Haunting in Connecticut. While waiting for the movie I saw a guy walk in with his GF. A genuinely good looking guy. I turned to my GF to say something and saw her looking in the couple's direction. Jokingly I said "yeah I know, he's pretty good looking huh?" She laughed and said she wasn't checking him out but instead seeing if I was checking his GF out who was indeed pretty. I replied "Word? Nah I wasn't checking her out. She's iight. Her BF looks good no?" She said yes to my surprise. I said I'd give him a 7 out of 10 and she replied about an 8. I never really noticed it before but that 8 scared me for a second. Because she rated me an 8 and then a 9 later on for personality. And I'm what she likes in a guy. Brown skin, muscles, nicely trimmed, fade, beautiful smile, nice hands. This guy was just all face. He was skinny and white, she doesn't do white guys from what she told me. The dream I had the following night he was not in it. But another guy that I knew from the gym, and assumed my GF would find him attractive.


The dream I had today I'll explain. Might as well. -


I was working in a grocery store and my GF came to visit me. While my co-worker (Brown skin, green eyes, some muscle, nice smile) and I were breaking down boxes, my GF was watching us. In the dream I had a sense she was attracted to my co-worker but I said nothing of it I just kept working. My co-worker stopped and disappeared. When I turned around to go and talk to my GF, she was with my co-worker, laughing and smiling, pretty into the conversation they were sharing. I kept watching and at this point I could sense mild jealousy. I kept watching because I guess I wanted to see where things would go. They kept talking and laughing and smiling, then my co-worker put his hands on her waist. Then I woke up.



I don't understand these dreams. Alot of people say dreams have zero relevance to reality but they sort of do for me. They keep playing on the insecurities and jealousy I dealt with in the beginning of our relationship. While both are still there, they're dormant. But these dreams keep tapping into it. Most dreams are hard to remember but these ones always remain vivid and I can remember alot of detail from each one I've had over the course of our relationship.

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Alot of people say dreams have zero relevance to reality but they sort of do for me.

I agree that dreams are our subconscious way of dealing with things, or there is a message that the subconscious wants to give to the conscious.

I also think the best person to interpret dreams is the Self who experiences them.

So...maybe try one of these on and see if anything feels like a good fit:


[1] Your insecurities and jealous tendencies are not as "dealt with" as you'd prefer them to be. (There is a risk that they can come up and bite your relationship in the ass at any time.) [2] You are managing them well but do need to stay in charge of things. [3] You are suppressing your fears and, as a result, putting a lot of pressure on your mind, body and subconscious to keep everything tightly under wraps (physical, mental & emotional stress and/or exhaustion.)


What were your own interpretations or guesses?

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