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help me!

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i went out with a guy for almost nine months and though i knew that we had our share of problems i never suspected that we would break up in the manner that we did. one day he after beating around the bush foever he came out and told me that he cheated on me by sleeping with another girl that he only knew for a week, we broke up! it killed me, even after what he did i was still willing to try to repair the damage, but he wasn't. less then a week after we broke up he started going out with her. he broke my heart, i never knew such pain. what should i do to get on with my life?? i know that it is over even though he still tells me that he loves me but i'm confused and hurt. any advice that you could give would be greatly appreciated??


- hurt in ohio

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i dated my girlfriend for three years and then one day i broke up with her for the reason that i was scared of our relationship. we are both 21 and seniors in college. i thought we needed time apart to grow on our own. well she disagreed and wanted me back, so after a week i took her back. at that point she took me, but it was different. i was willing to do whatever it took to get the relationship back the way it was but that never happened. we dated another month then we broke up agian. she started messing around with one of my best friends about two weeks after we broke up. but that turned out to be nothing. i thought we could work things out but with time i slowly am getting over her. i reccomend no communication with him. that just makes it harder. you may never get over him completly, but lately i have learned just to cherish the moments you had and start making new ones. it is funny how one minute your down in the dumps but the next your on top of the world. what ever happens with this guy let him make the moves, if he wants you he will realize he messed up, hopefully at that point you realize what he did wrong and not take him back. it is very hard and lonely but you will get over him. it may not be tommorow, but eventually your days will brighten up. good luck i know i still hurt every day and its been a month and a half. i've only talked to her twice and she lives a half a block away. its hard but i realize she has my number if she wants to talk, i did nothing wrong she did.

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