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My new friend Joann is Strange.


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You know who I am...



I am the guy. 18 and black and a freshman in college somewhere in Boston.


I have two classes with this girl named Joann. She is cute and funny and we are friendly with each other. In class we are talking and laughing. She usually waits for me after class so we can walk together. I would really like to chill with her but she is sometimes accompanied by a somewhat intimidating asian girl.


Anyway, Joann has taken me through Boston and showed me things and we laugh and have fun together. she is really funny. I can be myself (the normal nice guy Face) around her and keep the weirdness to a minimal.

It's hard to explain how she makes me feel. No, I'm not speeding things up. I am not HISTRIONIC nor schizotypal. Around her I feel calm and relaxed. Around other girls i get clammy and put on the macho-weirdo Face on.


The other day she held my hand as we walked around. During a math test (Not my favorite subject), I was as nervous as a mouse in a room full of kitties. She reassured me even though i put on admirable false bravado.


The result : I aced the test !


I got a 90. And i am a guy with trouble doing long division in my head !


We are just okay together. I am not really attracted to her but i like her company a lot. She's like my best friend.....only she's a girl. We are new study buddies for math and computer tech and i am doing well. I am a Literature and Writing kind of guy so math and science are like kryptonite to me but she is helping and they are okay.


I like her a lot and wish to become good friends with her. I find it somewhat alarming that i dont feel lust anymore around anyone. It's like my urges have been stopped completely.


I dont know what to make of Joann. A girl who likes math and science and digs Superman action comics. She likes wrestling as much as I do and was really bummed that the RED SOX lost to the YANKS. I just hate every red sox except Nomar and the Sanchez dude.



I don't know what to make of my current situation.


1) a girl as a best friend. I used to make fun of guys with ga as best pals.

2) My lust and craving for sex seems to have vanished.

3) I am doing good in subjects i usually stink at.

4) My clothes match.

5) I really like Joann, she is cute but i don't want to hump her.



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Keep being her friend, enjoy good times with her and give it some time. You might be surprised that over a period of time both of you may desire to have a nice romance. It doesn't have to happen overnight. Congratulations on your good grades...there's one plus already!

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Hi again, Wolverine.


I am not HISTRIONIC nor schizotypal


Are you sure about this? There's a whole lot of your posts that seem to indicate differently.

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You get weirder with each post.

Let's track your progress.

Depressed -> Horny -> Really Horny -> Really Bored -> Content

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