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Was i used ????

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Ok so a few month's ago i meet this lad in town, Nothing happened we didnt even kiss we just exchanged phone number's, For a couple of weeks's we were texting and got on really well, But i had just come out of a realationship and backed of because he was gettin to serious for me telling me i was the one bearing in mind he had onli meet me once, Well a couple of month's later i seen this lad in town and whenever we did see each other we were always siveal with one another, Well after i seen him i started to regret my decision about knocking him back a few month's ago, I think this was because i was finally over my ex and ready to move on, I seen this lad about 2weeks later in a club and we got talking and i ended up back at his place and one thing lead to another, We got on really well and it wasnt like he had regretted taking me home either as we had sex again that morning, Well a day later i got a text of him and he asked me to meet him the next day i said i would and for him to give me a text when he finshed work but he never did text me, I didnt hear from him till the friday and he asked me to meet him i said i was out in town so if he was out i would see him, We ended up meetin in a club, He asked me back to his but i said no as i was out with my friends on a night out, The next day he rang and said come and meet him that night well i was to ill to go, But i aint heard anythink of him, And my friend said that she seen him on another girl on the night we was going to meet, I didnt think much to it as we wernt together but it did hurt a little bit, Anyway he txt me the next weekend, And we meet up but another friend i was out with said he asked her back to his mates n apparently he said he didnt know who i was, I did ask him about this and we argued, I told him i wernt no booty call n stuff, And his mate said to me that she knows he really likes me, I apoligised the next day as i thought i went a little bit to far with it as we were not together, He rang me the the next morning askin me to meet him so i went down to meet him and he didnt answer his phone when i got to where we were ment to meet, about 20mins later i see him in town with his mates, I have not said anything about this not even sure if he knows i seen him he obvisilly blanked my call, Whats goin on i just dont get it, We got on well, And now he just seems to be a completly different person but why ???????????

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