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She's not looking for anything right now...

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OK a friend of mine was recently dumped by her boyfriend, after the fact we started getting really close, calling every day for more than 2 hours at a time, hanging out, she starts offering to buy me drinks, etc. And then last night we were playing around and got naked under our blankets and just messed around a bit. Well I decide to tell her that I liked her in more than a friendly way, and she told me that she wasnt looking for anything at the moment, and was kindof in a man-hater mood because of her ex. She also said shes going to "straighten up and stop ****ing around" which I assumed was a reference to her, shall I say, strong sexual appitite of the past. I really wish I hadn't told her I liked her, I only did it because I figured she was over the whole ordeal.


What's the best course of action to take so that when she's ready to date again that I'll be seen as a desirable candidate?

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Ummm...why would you want to be?


And exactly how did you get naked under those blankets anyhow?


And why would you be doing that if there wasn't already attraction on both sides?




Beatnik, I'm afraid you're speaking a language I don't udnerstand.

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Ummm...why would you want to be?


I second this. Again.


she told me that she wasnt looking for anything at the moment, and was kindof in a man-hater mood because of her ex.




She also said shes going to "straighten up and stop ****ing around...


Except with you while naked under those blankets? :confused:


Oh Beatnik, I know you're fabulous and you have tremendous amounts of beauty to share! I know that when you see someone who is perhaps suffering somewhat, you're drawn to help him/her in whatever way you can. I also recognize that sort of not-nearly-as-quiet-anymore desperation you have for feeling as though your goodness needs to be somehow validated by an outside source, preferrably a cute, female outside source who will love and appreciate everything you want to share with her!


By all means, learn what you need to learn. By all means, love and love and love. By all means, continue to be open to putting yourself out there into the world, because the world could use more honesty and openness. But also, by all means, recognize that while you are this fabulous person, you DO NOT NEED to be validated by anyone save your own sweet and wonderful self!


You know, I'm beginning to think you may enjoy being preached at...

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I don't really believe that I need my goodness to be validated. I'm just attracted to her. I don't know what else to say, im tired. I'll probably repost tomorrow.

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lol I wouldn't go that far. We talked today, there is a definite ackwardness. I've caught her looking at me a few times, I suppose to make sure I'm taking it well, which I am. We didnt bring the previous day's events up and tried to keep it casual like normal. Actually, I was in a surprisingly good and confident mood. I guess I've finally gotten used to being rejected.

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