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Best Friends gave me a treat.

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Well...I'm a 15 yr old boy and recently my friend Ashley (17) slept over like she has so many times.


But when I woke in the middle of the night she was licking me, and because it felt so good I just laid there, I even removed my shorts for her and did the same to her. I enjoyed it so much that we do it all the time now.

She still acts like we're friends. No one knows what is going on.


I don't know what to make of this.

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I think you enjoy getting licked. Yes, you got a real treat. I wish my parents would have let young ladies stay over in my bedroom at hour house when I was a teen. I would have been killed for even asking. It just tickles me how times have changed. Wow!!!

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when she usally sleeps over DO your parents let her and you stay in the bed to gether ? wow my parents would never (and you could say never until u die ) let a guy stay over and in my rooom

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You beat the system. :eek:


Parents think the girl is just your friend so now you can hook up(with an older woman in your room :cool: ), and no suspicion will be raised.


In other words, Congrats you have a great thing going.

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I think you are a bit young to embark in this kind of relationship. Neither one of you is emotionally capable of continuing the situation and staying just friends. I am 32 years old, and I couldn't do it. If you guys were dating and in love, that would be different. Oral sex is a very intimate act and should be be shared with someone that you are in a relationship with. Your parents are stupid to let teenagers of the opposite sex "sleep" over. You should ask yourself if this girl is someone you would like to date and build a relationship with. If the answer is no, then continuing the sexual activities is asking for a lot of hurt.

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