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Scared of that ultimate commitment! Help!!

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Let's assume you adore and love a woman very much. You tell her that she is the most important person in your life and that you have had the most beautiful 16 months together.


What would be the ultimate reason to propose to her?? What does a guy need to feel sure that she is the one to marry?


Is it more time, does she need to be rich, sexy, beautiful, kind?


Or everything? Sounds arrogant but I feel that I have quite a lot of things going for me?


What's missing?


Thanks to everyone out there :-)

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I'm a girl, but I'm going to tell you what my boss-man told me...


What would be the ultimate reason to propose to her?

When you wake up next to her and look at her and think it is so cool!


I know that sounds sophomoric, but in a nutshell, that's kind of how I would know. You wake up each day and your heart and head and soul sort of scream, "Cool".


Oh, and make sure there's mutual attraction, both enjoy your friendship with each other, are good lovers, and you would walk through fire for her. :)

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I was not a proposer; I was a proposee, but to me the litmus test (aside from are you two good for each other) is what the future looks like when you consider how it would be if that person were gone forever. If the whole idea leaves you bleak and the future dims for you, it's a good bet you are ready. OTOH, if you figure you'd manage fine, or if the future looks brighter when you think of it without her, then definitely do not do it.

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Thanks to your answers :-)


My boyfriend does indeed wake up in the morning and first thing he does is cuddle me and tell me:"you're lovely" or "you're the best thing ever!"


On the other hand he could probably manage perfectly without me as he has loads of money, he is the perfect houseman (I am a shocking housewife) and he has tons of friends.


As much as he loves spending time with me. His life will - with or without me - always be spectacular thanks to his upbringing and his great character and his great friends!

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