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So,,,i'm thinking you are the most insecure male on the face of the earth...get over it...all this garbage about not good enough, pretty enough, smart enough...that's total BS$%^%$%#


AND anyways, you are the one who NOW owes me...why should i be interested...i moved on...i have this capabilty of "getting rid" of people who damage me...and I do think you said it all as you disconnected my online....i think your words were...YOU"VE BEEN DAMAGED ENOUGH...or something like that.. but i kinda think that was what ya said.. and you were right..DAMAGED ENUFF and not gonna be DAMAGED anymore.. by anyone....EVER!!!!!!So i have no idea what you could say...EXCEPT "I'm SORRY" and that's something your ego won't allow.. so there's where it sits....and I don't mean online sorry....I MEAN FACE TO FACE SORRY!!!but you, haven't got the cojones methinks....anyways, i kinda think you are an abuser.. and that ELEMENT is very worrisome..oh yeah, and then you would have to apologize to my family.....especially my daughter--for scaring the sh&*(&^%%%$ outta her--totally unacceptable ya know.. so i have some serious problems with you...and you should know that when and until you see what you did to harm me and my family it's no soap and i 'm a very forgiving person, BUT I'm not a doormat and especially not your doormat....there is no way you can ever make reparation for hurting me the way you did.. and continued to stick the knife in... talk about Lady McBeth..your hands are redder by far.. and the damned spots arn't ever gonna come out....SO THERE!!! You were happily damaging me and now you say oh, well, but i've changed my mind.. you were worth knowing afterall????? Have you gotten therapy yet???? i used to write it off to drugs.. but i'm not sure about that anymore..just thin k you are one mean son of a b^^&^%&%&


ya know.. how can you hurt someone and then say oh yeah, but i liked you...????? its just beyond my comprehension..but then of course, i'm not as smart as you are...[you got an ego problem toooooo]....let's see, guess i vented enuff for now... anyways...it's gotta be FACE TO FACE so i can look in those beady eyes and tell you off to your face....


oh yeah, i'm not interested in a relationship, just so ya know...you ruined that for me.. i would never trust the male animal...you are all alike....slimy....so go find your Cindy Crawford lookalike and stay outta my life..

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I like your spirit. You have a way with words. It's too bad more people don't express themselves this way after a break up rather than get all bent and depressed.


You should never, ever be anybody's doormat and I hope next time you will leave the instant somebody takes you for granted or treats you with anything other than the greatest of courtesy, respect and consideration.


Give 'em HELL!!!

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Dear Everywomyn,


Oh, how you have struck home here, and I can't say for


sure exactly what that a**h*** did to you, but I think


if I guessed, I'd be right on. Thanks for giving me


more fuel to deal with mine...


Best of luck, and as they say, "You GO girl!"



So,,,i'm thinking you are the most insecure male on the face of the earth...get over it...all this garbage about not good enough, pretty enough, smart enough...that's total BS$%^%$%# AND anyways, you are the one who NOW owes me...why should i be interested...i moved on...i have this capabilty of "getting rid" of people who damage me...and I do think you said it all as you disconnected my online....i think your words were...YOU"VE BEEN DAMAGED ENOUGH...or something like that.. but i kinda think that was what ya said.. and you were right..DAMAGED ENUFF and not gonna be DAMAGED anymore.. by anyone....EVER!!!!!!So i have no idea what you could say...EXCEPT "I'm SORRY" and that's something your ego won't allow.. so there's where it sits....and I don't mean online sorry....I MEAN FACE TO FACE SORRY!!!but you, haven't got the cojones methinks....anyways, i kinda think you are an abuser.. and that ELEMENT is very worrisome..oh yeah, and then you would have to apologize to my family.....especially my daughter--for scaring the sh&*(&^%%%$ outta her--totally unacceptable ya know.. so i have some serious problems with you...and you should know that when and until you see what you did to harm me and my family it's no soap and i 'm a very forgiving person, BUT I'm not a doormat and especially not your doormat....there is no way you can ever make reparation for hurting me the way you did.. and continued to stick the knife in... talk about Lady McBeth..your hands are redder by far.. and the damned spots arn't ever gonna come out....SO THERE!!! You were happily damaging me and now you say oh, well, but i've changed my mind.. you were worth knowing afterall????? Have you gotten therapy yet???? i used to write it off to drugs.. but i'm not sure about that anymore..just thin k you are one mean son of a b^^&^%&%& ya know.. how can you hurt someone and then say oh yeah, but i liked you...????? its just beyond my comprehension..but then of course, i'm not as smart as you are...[you got an ego problem toooooo]....let's see, guess i vented enuff for now... anyways...it's gotta be FACE TO FACE so i can look in those beady eyes and tell you off to your face.... oh yeah, i'm not interested in a relationship, just so ya know...you ruined that for me.. i would never trust the male animal...you are all alike....slimy....so go find your Cindy Crawford lookalike and stay outta my life..
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