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Problems with my roommate

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Hey guys, incase you haven't read my other posts, I have been sharing a room with another guy that I met, at first we were really good friends and he was really nice to me, so nice that I decided to move in with him during the duration of my stay abroad. During this period I have lost contact with another guy I had met because of jeaulousy I think, and I have got to know my roomate a bit more.

Like I said at first he was really nice to me, and we really seemed to have something in common, he is really cool, has a band and is thinking in becoming an actor...

Anyway after sometime we have had sex a few times, it wasn't bad but it wasn't good either, thing is I have noticed he has become a bit different now.

He doesn't treat me as well as he used to do, and I have now discovered that he is known to be a "player". Now I am a very open minded girl and I am not looking for anything serious, but now he spends so little time with me, he doesn't want to talk like he did and I had a bit of a scene one time because he got home drunk and tried to sleep with me.

At first I thought this would be a good idea, you know moving in with him but now I am starting to regret this.

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So, what are you asking advice for? Should you move out? Yes, you should.


He got what he wanted out of this deal. Simple as that, he used you for sex and you fell for it hook, line and sinker. He thinks he has a live-in booty call right now. This could be a dangerous situation and I really think you need to remove yourself from it. For your safety.

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Well last night was the last, he kicked my dog in front of me, this morning tried to apologise saying he was drunk blabla

I am gonna move to a youth hostel or something, I should have known better.

Thanks for your input.

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