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How do you trust?

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Nikki Sahagin

When you have had your trust obliterated, absolutely obliterated, how do you begin to trust again?


How CAN you trust when someone that you put your faith in, can blow it to pieces? How do you trust when every part of your being screams at you not to do it? I've been burned and right now I don't even see WHY I should trust anyone. I want to. But I just don't know how. I feel like putting my trust in anyone will make me weak because i'll only have my trust abused or exploited as naivity. For those that have had trust broken - how did you get through it?

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I can relate to this. My question is, are you talking about trust for a potential boyfriend/lover/husband, etc., or just for people in general?


I ask because I find myself struggling with the same issue in regards to friends. I'll meet someone, we'll hang out, but afterward I'll text or something saying, "Hey, had fun with you, let's do it again" - to which I'll receive no response.


Sometimes they'll contact me days later, sometimes never at all.


I guess this relates to trust b/c I really want to TRUST these people to be my friends, but I can't. I give people the benefit of the doubt, but if they don't return my enthusiasm for friendship, then I say, "Next."


I suppose this reply seems really off-topic. It's not, it's just rambling. What I mean to say is that I will trust people for the first time, but if they do something to violate it, I become cautious. I don't think there's anything wrong with giving someone an "A," and then letting them maintain or drop their grade on their own.

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If your instincts are screaming not to trust, DON'T TRUST!


I've trusted unwisely in the past and have had trust issues. The only way you're going to learn how to trust again, is to learn to trust in yourself and your own abilities to pick the right people.


The balance of it is, say you trust again. You know you've survived a breach of trust before so what's stopping you from surviving again? Pay to play or hide away in Never-Neverland.

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