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How do you make up for it?


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How can you make up for being cold to someone?........Just because I am shy I sometimes act cold to the guy I like? Never mean but not how you would act towrds someone you have feelings for. We have never been a couple ( partially because I get shy and embarassed) but I would like to be. The last time I saw him was august he showed up at my house which caught me off guard so I kinda actedin his words like "what the **** are you doing at my house?" none the lestt infront of my mom which was the first time they have met with me there.....I called him a few days after that he never called me back. Just maybe 2 weeks ago I wrote him an email just saying hi and he never wrote me back. What do I do? Hte next tiem I will see him is xmas break? So I owe him major effort?

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You've got to get a leash on your tongue. You need to learn to be genuine. If you are truly happy to see someone and you show it, most people will be glad you're glad to see them. Bad feelings and words need to be suppressed when possible but we become far too expert in suppressing our good opinions of people. Learn to let yours out; don't go overboard but be sincere.

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It sounds like he took home the message that you weren't so happy to see him, even though you didn't mean to convey that. And that was probably confusing for him and hurtful too. If your subsequent attempts to communicate with him have been tentative and/or vague, "hi, how are you, what's up" he may be wary and uncertain, figuring it's easier to not reply than to run the risk of misinterpreting you again and getting blown off.


I suggest you write him an email saying more or less what you wrote here. Something like, "hey, you know I've been feeling bad since August when you stopped by. I think we had some crossed wires. You probably don't know this about me but I can be kind of shy especially when I'm caught off guard like I was by your surprise visit. The thing is, it was a pleasant surprise but it was a surprise and I might not have seemed as welcoming as I actually felt. Also a bit embarrassing with mom there, you know how parents can be. And since then I've felt a new awkwardness between us which I feel is my fault and I just wanted to set the record straight. Sorry if I was weird before. Let's be sure to meet up over xmas break, OK? Maybe get some coffe?"


Something like that.


Then, if he doesn't reply, you'll know that you've done all you can to make amends. At that point the weird one would be him.

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