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could there be more?

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So I have this guy friend.....we've known each other many years...but just recently (within the last like 8 months or so) haven't started talking and connecting. I have recently realized that I have a crush on him and I'm trying to figure out if the feelings are mutual.


He texts me randomly....just to see how I'm doing. He has told me before that I'm awesome and we've had some interesting conversations....that have crossed that line of 'just friends'. He has even invited me to hang out with him....but everytime he does, it's always 'bring your friends' never really just us two...which is probably one of the most confusing parts. However we talk at least once a day...sometimes for hours.


I want to let him know how I feel....but I don't know if I'm just a friend or if he sees more for us too. How do you know when there could be more?

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If he really talks to you a lot, then he must have a thing for you. I mean I really don't spend much time on girls unless I have some liking towards them. Not to say I wouldn't start good convos or I am always on the "prowl", but most guys don't dedicate so much time to girls they don't like. Lots of guys are shy too, unless u guys get wasted together, then itll come out, try that.

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Well truth be told, you really don't know until you ask him. There are so many posts about people who are 100% sure the other person sees them the same way only for it to be a complete surprise.


If he's checking to see how you are doing, that's a good sign. I know when I'm crushing on a girl I'll check in to make sure she's ok.

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So I have this guy friend.....we've known each other many years...but just recently (within the last like 8 months or so) haven't started talking and connecting. I have recently realized that I have a crush on him and I'm trying to figure out if the feelings are mutual.

So he hasn't been on the same page as you for the last 8 months? Is he really busy? Or are you? or you two could have just drifted apart for a bit, many friends do that.


He texts me randomly....just to see how I'm doing.

Does he say "hi" and also asks "how are you" or "how is your day?" and if so and you respond, does he ask you more after that?


He has told me before that I'm awesome and we've had some interesting conversations....that have crossed that line of 'just friends'.

I have a guy friend that I have feelings for too, he is always saying awesome and what not. That won't tell you much, cause he probably says that to his guy friends too. Does he ever call you "sweetie" or anything similar? Does he even email or call you every so often?


He has even invited me to hang out with him....but everytime he does, it's always 'bring your friends' never really just us two...which is probably one of the most confusing parts.

Actually if he does have feelings for you he would want to try and hang out alone with you atleast once to see if there is anything there, cause he knows your friends and would try and see if you can handle being alone around him or if he can handle you one on one.


However we talk at least once a day...sometimes for hours.

Thats always a good thing. Does he talk about anything and everything with you? Does he compliment you certain things you never hear him say to other people? Does he asks you a ton of questions? or does he go on an on and boost himself to you? These are things you need to tell us, cause it'll help us know if there is something really there.


I want to let him know how I feel....but I don't know if I'm just a friend or if he sees more for us too. How do you know when there could be more?


You need to give details, not just what you've already written out. Like give us an example of one time that you thought he was flirting with you and how he was doing it. Things like that will help us know.

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oops! I meant to say we HAVE started talking! Before we were both just kinda there....neither one of us paid much attention to the other.


Our texts do go beyond just hi....we can text for hours.


He's never called, but we talk online. And we do talk about everything. We've talked about everything from previous relationships, friendships we have, work, school....likes/dislikes...sex, and other random stuff! He's never called me sweetie, but I know he has confided in me and told me some stuff that he hasn't told anyone (so he says).


As far as when he was flirting..... I told him I wanted some attention, and he said he'd be more than happy to give me some....whatever I wanted or needed.

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I think he likes you but he's just kinda careful before making a move. He may want to know what you think as you guys haven't contacted for a while. And he may feel embarrassing to ask you out for a date. So he started to sound like 'you could bring some friends'. One day, just pretend all friends are busy, then suggest him to go somewhere romantic and try to make a move. then you'll know his thoughts.

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I find that what the girls do is give me a hug and then just nuzzle a little bit or use a quick kiss on my neck. This lets me know they're interested.


Unfortunately, they'll do this at my shop sometimes, when it's clear I'm married. Very odd. It's a clear and reasonably subtle signal, giving the girl a way out. Can still pretend it didn't happen and be friends if there's no response.


If there is a response that seems good, then right there whisper something like "Just us the next time?" Then disappear and wait for a call, or suggest a time and place.


I always get giddy headed when approached this way and have to remind myself I don't happen to need that particular female right then! So it's really effective.


Should get through the most dense fellow.

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From your description, almost sounds like you're describing a situation I've been in (except I was the guy).


Here's what goes through my head at times, maybe it will help you out:


I get bored and randomly text my friends, male and female quite regularly.


I will ask girls "how are you" occasionally but if I am feeling something for a girl I ask "how was your day" and ask pretty regularly


I also asked her to bring her friends along a lot, mainly b/c I was trying to feel things out and felt like if she brought friends, it wouldnt seem like a "date" but I could still hang out with her and try to get a better read on the situation...also I know friend approval is key, and wanted to get on their good side


If he hangs out with you and your friends, but spends the majority of his energy and time focused on you, then chances are he likes you...If not, he might be interested in one of your friends..so watch out for that


If he's ever given you a card with a "sweet" handwritten message, he is crazy aboutyou


If his hands seem anxious when you are sitting next to him, he is nervous because he likes you and doesnt know what to do with his hands


If you two have ever shared a meal together at a restaurant, and he offered to pay, he's interested....If you wouldnt let him pay he took that as a sign that you are not interested


If he tries really hard to cheer you up when you are not feeling well, and seems genuinely concerned when you are having a hard time, he likes you. If he gives you the "that sucks" or "im sorry..." and moves on, he is just a buddy.


If his eyes light up when you make eye contact, that is a dead give away.


When you're with a group, if he is watching what you are doing, but trying to make it look like he doesnt notice you, he is interested.


If he really opens up and tells you things he doesnt tell his other friends, he thinks you are special


If he wants to hang out every chance he gets, he's interested...


If he flirts with other girls in front of you, but never seriously pursues them, he is trying see if you get jealous, which means he wants you to get jealous, which means he likes you


If he ever calls you something like "darlin" or "sweetheart" in a casual way (especially if he's been drinking) he is trying to see how you react, and he wants to call you that on a regular basis


Hope this helps some...Kind of generalized, but if you have any more specifics about his behavior i'd be happy to give the shy guy translation

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