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I NEVER thought it would happen to me!!!

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You'll never believe what happened to me last night.


I met a really nice gentleman online.


Now, I am NOT looking for a relationship. (Kind of swore of relationships for a while, if you know what I mean.)


I was just chatting online about hobbies, etc.


We talked online for over an hour, then we got on the phone from 7pm and didn't hang up until 4am!!! We both said it was so weird how we had so much in common...and what a cool coincidence that we happened to meet online!


The best part is that he's just 2 hours away from me!!!


(With my luck, he'd be from Mars!)We're planning to meet sometime this week for coffee or a movie.


I am planning to take it slow, and you know what? I was actually able to TELL him that! I've never felt comfortable in a relationship with expressing what I want. This feels good. He's not pressuring me, and he's a TOTAL gentleman! It's so hard to find nice friends, let alone nice guy friends. He's really amazing. He still has a heart and is not jaded or bitter-like I was feeling.


He laughed, because he had hazed his friends for meeting people online. He's going to be the best man in his best friend's (they've been friends for 20+ years) wedding- this friend met his fiancee online 3 years ago!


I know I don't know him well yet, but, for a first time in a long while, I really DO want to get to know him!! Friends first. And I am not scared!


If it can happen to me....you know the rest!!! :-)

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Sounds wonderful!!!


Remember, don't screw it up by having a lot of expectations and by building things up in your mind far beyond what any human is capable of standing up to. Be excited but reserve some of the joy for after you meet in person, get to know him lots better, meet his friends, find out he uses deodarant and doesn't have bad breath, that he doesn't have a temper or jealous tendencies, that he has most of his teeth and brushes them regularly, is psychologically stable on a consistent basis, is not on the brink of bankruptcy, is duly employed, can offer you transporation you deserve on dates, does not have a history of short term relationships, and was honest about everything he told you during this euphoric marathon phone conversation.


I know that everyone who reads posts in the forum is very happy for you. I pray that all goes well and will be eagerly awaiting periodic reports on how things go.


There are many wonderful experiences with relationships that start online. But, just as it real life, there are some bona fide turkeys in cyberland too.


Congratulations and good luck!!!

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Thanks for the positive feedback. I have realistic expectations. He shared a bit of extremely sensitive info to me...he wanted to let me know that he has cancer. He's 26! He wanted me to know because a lot of people he meets, especially women (except for his friends), are horrified and don't want to even be friends.


I don't have any unrealistic expectations....just to meet a new friend...and possibly more! :-)

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