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rekindling things with an ex...

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lol I just know 2Sides2Stories is going to make fun of me because of my shifting sights, but oh well.


I have an ex whom I've always remained friends with. She became single a while back, and I'm thinking about asking her out again. She asked me recently why guys won't ask her out, to which I replied "They probably think your still going out with ****". We talked everyday last year because we sat next to each other, but this year we havent had many chances to talk. Should I just ask her out or get back into the friend loop?


PS: I'm not a player, I just have a collection of girls that I would consider dating, and I'm just trying to start a good relationship...

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If you know me so well, Beatnik love, should I even bother to reply? :lmao:


Ah, to be young and inconsistent, as opposed to older and inconsistent! :D


Right then. So you say you have a "collection of girls..." and that you're "just trying to start a good relationship"


This is not at all a bad thing. (are you shocked that I said that?) I'm of the opinion that people dissuade themselves from something that has tremendous potential because of the 'norms' that exist in the world of relationships. If you're not in a place where you can be in a committed relationship, then there is absolutely no reason FOR you to be in a committed relationship. There's no reason that you should feel obligated to keep your sights set on a single individual, especially when you happen to keep running into the snags you keep running into!


Now, on the flip-side, there will be people who construe your behavior as rather, well, "player-like" since people think that not only is it possible but also NECESSARY to try to stay with one person in an exclusive relationship, even in high school. My opinion of this is, well, "poppycock!"


You're going to hate me for saying this part: You're YOUNG! You have much to explore yet in life, and you should allow yourself the ability to explore things. What would be fantastic for one such as you have presented yourself to be here on the forums, is a girl who is willing to go exploring with you. However, don't let these high school "relationships" ruin you, or even inflict mortal wounds upon your very soul when they don't work out, because remember that people are an ever-changing sort of creature on a very personal and individual level. Never take for granted that the person you loved today may be a completely different person in the blink of an eye.


I'm preaching again, aren't I? Gads, you'd think I'd have had enough of this by now! :D

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I like this subject, it is close to my heart in an odd way.


So your in highschool, you've dated this girl befor, and are considering asking her out again? Am i right?


Do you think there is chemistry between the both of you? Do you want a happy go lucky no strings attached, a you are my futer, or an experimental in totaly recall relationship? Because the potention for all three types are there. The variable, the constant, the chaotic. LOL


I am currently dateing an old high school boyfriend. 6 years appart I relize he realy changed. I probly did too. But even though sometimes i wish i had dated him longer when we were younger, i'm glad we never got to a bad point between us. That the goodbye was open ended. Giving us the golden oppertunity we have now. It was hard on me to break up with him back than. I wasn't used to dumping anyone. That doesn't matter now realy, the point is time appart alowing both of us to grow, experiment and mature, has made getting back together easier.


Ok, how does this all help you? Well look at it this way, if this girl means something to you, then maybe you might want to consider just staying her friend. Ya know, so later when the two of you are done experimenting maybe the cards will fall in for you both. Get me?


At your age you've alot of dateing to do still. If you want something good with her, wait on it. That's my suggestion.


"good things come to those who wait"


Vixen :bunny:

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