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This is hopeless

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We've been friend for over a year. At first, when he asked me if I wanted to be his girlfriend, I thought he wasn't seriously coz we didn't know much about each other yet. So I refused. After that, he still considered me a good friend, we still hang out and talked....doing stuff just like friends. When we graduated from high school, we didn't have chance to see each other much. We contacted a couple of times. And he had a weird habit. He said he didn't like to call anyone. So I was always the one who called him. But whenever we were together, we were both really happy. Once when we were together in the beach, he suddenly put his arms around my waist and said sth like we could make a perfect couple. I was silent then, and he took his arms off. In college, we met again and still talked like friends. As I said, he never called me unless I called him (that seems to be the only thing that confuses me). So I started to think it was hopeless. We didn't contact for almost 4 or 5 months. But now I realize he was the nicest guy I've ever met, I like him a lot that I dont even want to look for a boyfriend in college. But what can I do to tell him now? (it's really embarrassing coz I'm the one who refused him). Please help me. I'll appreciate it.

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Well you've known him for years, i'm sure he hasn't forgotten about you. Give him a call again, start talking regularly again, see if it goes anywhere, but don't be discouraged if he doesn't make any moves, HE may be holding back because of your refusals in the past. You might have to make the first move.


Don't let love pass you by. =D

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The not calling is a by product of the chat and texting generation. As the guy, he should be able to call. In fact, in any good relationship/friendship the call factor should be somewhere near 50/50.


Anyways, that aside. I agree with ThatCaliLover. Don't let it pass you by. Do you guys go to the same college or are you close to each other as far as distance?


Just explain to him exactly what you wrote. That at first you were just happy with his friendship and that relationships in general weren't a priority for you. But now you realize how much he means to you and you are ready to go to the next step. Or you can just get drunk and have a sloppy friends as lovers make-out session with him. Either way, he should get the hint. If he doesn't he's a bonehead and send him over to this site.

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Thank you for the advice. The thing is that we go to same college, we live in the same district. It really sucks when somebody is really close to you, and u can't tell them u love them. My heart is really overflown right now. I can't bear that any longer. As a girl, I can't call him every single time (actually at first he called me several times. Later on, Im always the one who makes the call. He tells me never hesitate to call him, its just that his personality doesnt like to call anyone). When I change my number, I did send him a message and talk to him again. I dont understand why whenever I talk to him, I always appear like I dont care much, I always make fun of him and make some ridiculous jokes. That's what we've been for a long time. So now both of us feel kinda weird to say 'sweet words', or some stuff of bf, gf, u know. But most of all, I reallly like him and care about him.. Just wanna let him know that without breaking this friendship.

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