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A friend jealous of her boyfriend and myself

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I have encountered yet another problem. A good friend of mine is dating this guy. Well, lately, he has been "picking" on me. That's all I consider it to be because I don't like him and don't look at him as a possible "target". I naturally get along better with guys than girls, so I pick back. It is completely a platonic relationship. I didn't think much about it until the other day. We all went somewhere together and he paid more attention to me than he did her. He even grabbed me around the waist right in front of her. She got really really jealous and I would too if I had a boyfriend who acted that way. He kept telling her not to get jealous, but she did. I don't want this to hurt my friendship with him or her. She's got him and I don't want him. How can I ease her mind, but still keep his friendship? and her friendship?

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The next time this happens, just plain tell him that he needs to have more respect for you and for his own girlfriend. Let him know that it's not acceptable for him to touch you in any way. You have no other choice. And I think your girlfriend makes very poor choices in boyfriends. SHE is the one who should have talked to him and she should break up with him if this continues. It shows her incredible disrespect...and you too.

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It's getting worse. He asked me today what I thought of him. I said I thought he had a girlfriend. He then asked what I would think of him if she was out of the picture. I just said he wasn't the type of guy I would date and that he did have girlfriend. He went on and on about it. I kept telling him that he had a girlfriend, but he didn't seem to care. I don't know if he is honestly just wanting another girls opinion of him or if he might actually want to go out with me.

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