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I am so lost

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Right, I am in college and there is this girl, she is at least 7 years older than me, for a while now(somthing like 3 years) we have been friend and now we have gotten be very good friends, We go out dancing, other time go back to her place to eat, stuff like that, we have been texting and now it is like we are flirting while texting and when we talk to each other and she has open up to me and told me thing she wouldn't have told anyone else. Now I feel that we could take thing to the next level by asking her out on a date. but I am not too sure if she feel the same and maybe it all in my head, what I want to know is how do I know if she want me in the way I want her, as I don't really have the knowledge about this sort of thing, i mean you would have to hit me in the head but I still wouldn't catch on.

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She is your friend so you have to keep it casual

Tell her you wouldn't mind dating a girl like her and see if she bites. If she says the same thing about you, just casually say OK then lets go on a date.

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You have to bite the bullet and tell her you'd like to be more than friends, and see how she reacts. Tell her if she doesn't want to date you hope you can still be good friends, and mean it.


My best friend was attracted to me, and when he told me I responded negatively and said I only saw him as a friend and I didn't have those sort of feelings for him. He was so devastated that he never spoke to me again, and despite the fact I didn't want to date him I was still incredibly hurt to lose my best friend. It made me feel like our whole friendship was a lie, like all the time he wasn't really my friend, he just wanted a chance to date me, and once he knew there was no chance he didn't want my friendship any more.


If your girl isn't obviously flirting with you, and if she expresses an interest in (or dates) other guys, it's likely that she just sees you as a friend. I really hope that if that's the case you can still stay friends with her.

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Thank very much Stone and EllieBean, I just have to pluck up the courage and ask her out, I hope that if she does say no, we can remain really good friend as I don't want to lose that.

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