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Any suggestions??

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I think this is the right category to post in.


Anyways, for over a year, I have been dating/having a friends with benefits relationship with a man.


It did not start out as a friends with benefits relationship as I am certain that he liked me (at least in the beginning). However, it seemed to evolve into one. We do go out for dinner, talk about our personal lives, and well have sex. I suppose I have some feelings for him.


When we were together, we would have a great time - the conversation and so on was great.


He did not use a condom however so I wanted to know that if he was having sex with other people. In fact, I specifically asked if he was having sex with this one woman. He told me "no" on all of these occasions.


Recently, I found out that he was having a sex only relationship with another women for months.


Thus, he was lying to me.


What would you have done in this situation?

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Stop sleeping with him and get rid of him, friends with benefits seldom work and when they do there should be mutual respect he lied to you this should be a deal breaker. Go see your OBGYN and use condoms untill you are in a committed relationship.

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I would have dumped him. Although tbh, I would have dumped him as soon as it became clear he didn't want a proper relationship. Not using a condom should have been a BIG red flag! You probably should have dumped him as soon as you found out he sleeps around without using a condom. Please go and get yourself tested for STDs as soon as possible, and tell this cheating loser to get lost.

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I should clarify that it was never "clarified" that it was a friends with benefits situation. Apparently we were "semi involved". Yes I did make it clear when I found out that it happened that it could not continue.


It has been about a week though and I am just accustomed to being in contact with him almost everyday.


Also he would not put his health at risk by having sex with alot of random women I am certain of that.


Just wanted the input of others .......

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