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Ok...Ill try to sum up my story in a few lines. ( Im 18 btw )

Basicly, I met this girl few months ago and we became really good friends. I liked her from the beginning but was too shy to tell her. I was falling for her so much that at one point I had to tell her how I feel, on the phone ( i know it wasnt good idea...but i had no choice ). She told me she loves me way too much as friend to risk it and that its best if we stay friends. It felt like someone stabbed me with a knife. I changed a lot and my drinking problem got only worse.

I was trying to forget it and move on ( by not seeing her ) but it didnt work out and after a while stuff got back to normal. I guess the friendship was strong enough.

Anyways...so here is what happened last week: i saw her that night and we talked alot. She started asking me if she made me miserable in any way and i kept saying no. I told her the past is past and i want to forget it. She looked at me and asked me "you really do like me...dont you" and I was like "I said it once...I can say it 100 times more, but i guess it wont make a change" . After 5 mins of silence, she looked at me and suddenly kissed me. I wasnt quite sure what was going on... i kinda froze... So...now its been a week since this happened and I've seen her only once. She always comes with an excuse and says shes busy. I feel like she suddenly changed her mind. What is going on? Why did she kiss me? After all she said its best if we stay friends. I am really confused and just want to make a move before its too late but its almost like she wont give me a chance again. Or perhaps she did it because she was feeling sorry for me. Someone help me make sence of this

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the kiss sounds very familiar. i went through the same thing and my friend still wouldn't go out with me afterwards. to be honest, i have no idea why she did it.... was it a thrill for her? fun? some girls just love drama and do things to create it.

i think that girls sometimes let the moment carry them away... and then they think about it later and realize that it's not what they want. Or they just think it's ok because it feels good and they can forget about it because it means nothing to them. Meanwhile, you're suffering.

all i can say is that you should try to be a challenge.... ignore her for a bit and see what happens. yes, this is hard, but i think women are disgusted by men who act needy, so do something else... see other girls, etc. don't ask to meet her anymore!

the bottom line is that you have to be a man about this or else she might just play with you make you her patsy... her "friend" that she can use to boost her self esteem at the expense of your heart. if you can stay away from her and make her wonder, maybe she'll come around. good luck!

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