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am i wrong to resent her now? can our friendship be salveaged

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my girlfriend dumped me months ago claiming distance was a problem, however she also gave a few different reasons, different lives ect. when she broke up with me she rang me crying wanting to be friends and maybe more, one time she said maybe we should stop being friends as we were breaking all the rules.


i said ok and she said one day we will get back together anyway eventually i asked her back she said no claiming multiple reasons different lives ect. i was crushed i broke contact for months and after eight months not seeing each other she asked to be friends i agreed and met up with her.


it felt really awkward i and i couldn't pin point why, i did care for her a lot because we were very close before and after the break up for a long time and i want to care for her but after thinking about it i feel its hard to be friends its like i resent her for breaking up with me and then rejecting me again, was the way she acted wrong, should i tell her how i feel or should i just give it time i need this resolved either by breaking contact or raising these issues because im really starting to resent her..

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Everything you wrote about the feelings of resentment and how you are feeling towards this girl. Have you told her any of this? It seems as if there are many unresolved issues that you need to figure out with here. Your friendship cannot continue in a healthy manner unless those issues are cleared up. Not talking won't solve anything. It will just postpone these feelings until a future date and only make the feeling of resentment grow. You have got to talk to her about all of this. If she doesn't want to talk, then at least you tried and you can cut her off.


You might also be feeling different because you are starting to move on from this girl. Long stretches of time and no contact will make you see a person differently as well as let some of your feelings cool down.

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