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Normal dating behaviour or mixed messages?

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I met a guy through my best friend. He's her bf's team mate. We both mentioned that we wanted to meet each other, and then we did...and it was great. We had a lot of fun but then the worst possible thing happened, after drinking wayyy too much we spent the night together. First thing in the morning I was so mortified all i wanted to do was run home but he insisted I stay and hang out with him. So we hung out all morning and I left in the afternoon, to my surprise there was no exchange of phone numbers or anything.


so, i figure, ok, it was a one night thing. but then the guy goes out of his way to get my number and unexpectedly calls me later that week to ask me out. The night we had tentatively set, we both got caught in chores at home so we didn't go out...we did, however stay on the phone for over an hour. That was about a week and a half ago. All week, I couldn't stop thinking about him, and I didn't understand why he didn't call. My friend who I met him through told me that he told her bf that he really likes me.....but he didn't call me at all.


So, today I gave him a last chance. I rang him and left a message, figuring if he wasn't interested he wouldnt call back. But he did, and asked if we could hang out either later this week or this weekend. I told him sure and tried to set a date

but he said we'd have to talk about it later because he was unsure of his schedule.


So I'm confused. Is this normal pre-dating behaviour or is this guy sending me mixed signals?

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Getting into the sack isn't normal pre-dating behavior, no. Usually it works the other way around - you date a few times, create a little mystery and then make it climactic with a good night of passionate lovemaking.


You don't have that here. Instead you two nice people (you and this guy) who know they're sexually attracted to one another and have already manifest their raw attraction to one another. But it's not generally a good basis on which to form a dating relationship.


That said, stranger things have happened. Take it as far as it'll go. Just understand that this isn't usual and be prepared to see the writing on the wall when it's over, and bail when you're at the end of the road with this guy.

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