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Alright lets see here where can I start. Well I'm 19 and the friend is 18 and we go to same college. Also I've known her almost a year. Lately I've been falling for this girl and I don't know why.


I'd just like to know what you think on a few things. So at some point I was texting her and she got confused about what I sent her and I said maybe we should talk more. She said she can't call because it costs too much (she has a prepaid phone so I was like ok). Whats strange though is that she calls people and they call her no problem. I've called her a few times no problems. That just seems weird. Also I would text her in the morning saying like good morning beautiful and change it a little so it will be different. She copies now if I don't send anything. She is also asking me what I'm doing pretty much all the time. That was just some interesting texts that I can remember.


Now she is being more playful around me and maybe a little flirty. Recently I've told her I would see her tomorrow after I gave her a hug. I wasn't able to see her that day and she got upset. Shes also asked if I wanted to go with her to new zealand next year.


Hmmmm...longer than I thought it was gonna be and guess I just rambled on. I've been meaning to ask her out and see what happends, but I don't have time and when I do she doesn't. Also guess I'm sorta afraid what might happen. Guess there is really no meaning to this thread, but would like to know everyones thoughts or whatever. So any advise would be great.

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I've been meaning to ask her out and see what happends, but I don't have time and when I do she doesn't.


So just keep trying. One of those times you'll find the time to go out as it sounds like you really want to try to see where you can get with this girl. If she is always texting you and even asked you to go to New Zealand with here, then that should be a pretty good sign she is at least remotely interested.


What's it like between the two of you when you physically hang out? How do you two interact with each other in a physical sense. Does she appear to be open to you?

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Hmmm...well we are never really alone together, but when I see her and shes with her friends she looks at me and says my name with a big smile. We then talk and what not, but nothing too physical. You know like a hug and a poke here and there.


Now at school she most of the time wants to be near me between classes. We talk about random things and play around and such.


I don't know guess we aren't too physical. We've never kissed or anything if you were getting at that.


As for open do you mean tells everything going on in her life or I can get a little more touchy feely if I wanted?

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What I meant by in a physical sense, was face to face and in person. I find it's nearly impossible to judge any sort of emotion based on text, chat, or internet conversations as static words are just that. Words. So I was just curious how she acted around you in the world. Because a lot of people can be teases and flirts over chat, because its easy to hide behind words.


The hugging and poking are good signs, at least she's focusing attention on you. Does she do this to other guys? Is she just a naturally touchy person? the New Zealand trip. Is it just the two of you going, if you go?


Have you asked her out? Either as a real date or a fake date? If you haven't you should at least go for it. Fake date or real date, either way you'll get to spend some 1-1 time with her. That should help to start narrowing down where you two see each other in your lives.

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Oh ok gotcha! Well from what I see she isn't very touchy, but she gives hugs when she leaves places, if you know what I mean. Other than that she pretty much keeps to herself. As for the trip I don't really know much other than its next year. Also she is from NZ thats why she going there for a bit. As for a fake date we went to Mcdonalds. This was pretty much an inside joke on why we went, but we called it a date. At that time I wasn't really into her and I pretty much just started a relationship. So it was more of just a friend thing.

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There is no need for the supposition of omniscience if a telepathic message may

originate as well ..... Some telepaths can read the thoughts only of those they

touch, ... Some people, occasionally referred to by themselves or others as ...

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