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What should I do with a boyfriend of 8 months that never acted like he was in love with me until i thought that i had enough of the way he was and finally went out with a friend of his when he was out of town and he had not even called to let me know where he was!!!

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Dump him, and any other man who takes you for granted. NEVER, EVER go eight months with anyone without getting some special words or deeds that make you feel good in the relationship.


My guess is that this man does have feelings for you but has a difficult time expressing them...or he may be shy or afraid of expressing himself. There's an old saying, "You don't know what you've got until you lose it." I think that's what happened here. But if you take him back, he's likely once again to be non-expressive and that's obviously what you seek.


There's another quote, not sure who from: "Love knows not its own depth, except in the hour of separation."


At any rate, if you are with a guy who won't express himself or give you the kind of warm, loving feelings you desire in a relationship, I promise there are many out there who will.


I am assuming you have discussed this matter with him. If he agrees to work on this, it will be difficult for him to change very old behaviors but it can be done. You didn't say just how strong your feelings were for him but reading between the lines, it sounds like the relationship has gone pretty flat.

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