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Lost and basically out of hope..

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So like first lets get this straight.


Girl A=My lover

Girl B=Besfriends lover




Ok so now that is out of the way lets get the story rolling.


Me and this girl been getting closer since january we've had plenty of fights and arguements. In the beginning i told her i liked her, she told me she liked me back. The only thing was she wanted time before we could actually start dating because she had other issues she wasn't done with. During this time my like for her became a love when i knew that she was seriously 1 in a million and when i say that i mean she has personality traits i've never seen before that i really like. Now me and her were arguing about some stuff but we resolved it and for about a week we were all good. She always talked to my bestfriend J.R because they knew eachother longer than i knew her and they were bestfriends aswell. He told me she said she was thinking of asking me out just she kept procrastinating and ****. So i was really happy. The next day i find out she invited j.r to stay at her house since his sister was staying there anyways. (Sounds weird i know Now i know 100% they didn't do stuff together and she doesn't like him more than friends so it's not like that.) Ok so i'm at the park with girl B and her friends just hanging out and me and girl B get a text from girl A saying "I'm done goodbye". Now girl B started panicking because she thought J.R was going to hurt himself so she convinced me to go to girl A's to see if they were ok. As we approached the house Girl A (my lover) and J.R were leaving the house. After awhile they stopped and talked to us but Girl A was really pissed at Girl B for multiple reasons and Girl A was like I'm done with everyone i'm finding new friends and i'm done with all of you (including me).

I tried talking to her about it, she knows that i love her dearly but whatever i said didn't seem good enough. Girl A and Girl B started physically fighting and then Girl A's mom came out of the house and she was like screaming at Girl B so girl B left. Now her mom (Girl A's mom) turned to me and J.R and told us to get into her car. She was screamin and yellin so we decided what the hell fine. Before we get into the car Girl A comes up to me and says shes sorry but she can't see me anymore And she really did have her heart set on being with me, then she left and went inside. Now when we were in the car we were being drivin to J.R's house and she was yelling at J.R and his 8 year old sister about how it was their fault for everything and she said they were banned from seeing Girl A ever again, then she turned to me and said the same. (I really didn't do anything =/) So about 2 days later girl A calls me and wants to buy the tickets we had for the concert we WERE gonna go to together but her mom wanted her to buy them off me because she was banned from seeing me...I agreed and we hung up. 5 Minutes later she said do you wanna hang out tommorow as a last day sort of thing? I said ok. So we hung out exchanged tickets/money and then talked about the situation but nothing i said was good enough because i knew her mom had worked some words into girl A's head. We were hanging out and i knew she was sad (how hard she hugged me, how she kissed me that day) Now before she had to go i told her i was gonna miss her and she said we can hang out at lunch break everyday, so i was like ok. It's been three days since then and even though i over-analize i know she's slipping away, she's making new friends, making ALOT of plans with people, and she's hanging out with this other guy who really likes her now. Yet she told me yesterday she was always gonna be MY shawty and she couldn't see herself liking anyone else. Today i fell asleep and woke up and noticed she deleted her facebook and i forgot to mention her mom made her change her number too. I just can't let her slip away like this cause this feeling for her is too great. I may be young but I know what love is and how it feels (that's another life story for another day)

She also told me today she thinks im going to take girl B's side and start hating her when the truth is I told girl B our friendship might have to end for me to be successful with girl A T___T If only she knew..



I just need help people, thanks in advance i'm counting on you guys because i'm fresh out of ideas...

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Before I say anything. You need pay more attention in English class. You don't put yourself first. It's not me and my friend. It's my friend and I. Secondly, use the enter key a bit more. These things, called paragraphs, make large bodies of text much easier on the eyes. Put the two together and you have one really hard and confusing story to read.


That being said. Something major had to happen to make the mom flip out. Do you have any idea what it was? I might have missed the reason in the jumbled mess of words. When a mom is raging like that and banning her daughter to see certain people, that can be a very difficult barrier to overcome. On the flip side, it could cause her daughter to rebel against her mom. Which could be good for you since you are on the banned list.

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Her mom banned J.R and Girl B from seeing her because she thought they were the reason for girl A's depression.


She banned me apparently because i didn't stop their fight but i honestly think it's something more than that just not sure which.

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Just out of curiosity, how old are you guys? I'm guessing that since you still need to be driven around you are fairly young?


When overly controlling parents get involved, as this case sounds, it can be really hard on their own child. Maybe the mom in this case needs to stop blaming her daughter's friends and focus more on her daughter. She also needs to realize that kids are just depressed sometimes. It's called growing up. It's called being a teenager.


There's something more to this. But the mom can't stop the two of you from hanging out at school.

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