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This girl I work with

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I have got this girl that I am working with and she is driving me totally crazy. From the start I knew that she had a boyfriend abroad that she sees every two or three months. When she came back from a holiday in Austria (the dude lives there) she was relaxed for over a week or two but then she started to always calling me over to her desk and wanting to talk. The next thing was that she was asking me to rub her neck and stuff and then she asked me several times to take her home (she still lives with her parents)and then suddenly she wanted me to take her to my house. At the time I wasn't really interested in her except for being a friend so I was flirting a bit with her but just for fun. These past 10 days her boyfriend was over and she is still calling me over and flirting but she is always mentioning her boyfriend that he is so sweet and she wants to live with him but still giving me these mixed signals. She is driving me crazy with her behaviour and now I have fallen in love with her. Do you think that this girl is still a bit interested in me or is she just playing with me. I hope you can really help me because the last few days I have been very irritated with her because of her behaviour (and she just laught about it). Thanks.

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You can check - which will prolong the weird.

You can fold - which is safe

You can call her bluff - which will either get her going away or in your arms.


If you really want to call her bluff, which is what I would do were I single (but I'm a sucker and find such things amusing), I'd get her somewhere and ask her moderately explicitly to go out. Dinner, back to my place, you like massages? I have the oil and candles. We'll get to know each other properly. Make sure you ask her somewhere nobody will see you if you can. Then touch her, and if she likes that, hug her, and if the signs are there, give a kiss. Then smile and "more later." If she digs that, at very least you're in the running.


But most of the time they're just teases who back off.

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I guess you are right but she is about the strangest girl I have ever met. Not that she does weird stuff but the way she behaves makes no sense at all. She will flirt the hell out of you and then suddenly mentioning her boyfriend. Is she trying to make me jealous or is she really crazy about the guy. When I am talking to her and someone aks me something so I don't give her my full attention she is not happy and starts to make a face. I am totally clueless about this one and because I am in a forum full of experts I thought I give you guys a try to figure her out:o.

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i think you try voldigicam idea. about asking her out.

it the quickest way to get the answer and you wouldnt be frustrated about it anymore.


does she flirt with other guy at the place you work or the customer?


did you try it out what her respond?

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does she flirt with other guy at the place you work or the customer?


No, she is only flirting with me. Always looking me up and trying to get my attention. Last week she had to take some presents to some customers so she asks me if I can help her carrying the stuff to a company car outside the parking area. Apparantly she had the wrong keys because the doors wouldn't open. Then I said to her that we could take my car and so we did. I drive her around and the first comment she makes is that people are going to talk about us with a laugh. Of course she mentions her boyfriend a couple of times (who is at the time at her parents house, we live in the Netherlands but the guy lives in Austria and is on vacation in the Netherlands) but I don't want to talk bad about the guy to her so I reply normally. Ok, we come back to work, I get my ass chewed by my boss and my coworker and tell her that. At the end of the day she leaves even without saying goodbye to me. Next day I am going out to get something from a shop and I ask her if she needs something. She says I could buy her flowers but then she would have to explain to her boyfriend. Followed by the remark: but that wouldn't be your problem, would it. I don't know what to think of her anymore.

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i dont know if she like you yet but i can conclude you really like this girl.

did she said "but that wouldn't be your problem, would it."

if so try to put in quote when someone said something.


Pause on the voldigicam plan since his bf is at Netherlands.

But you can still ask her out just dont do the massage thing. You be in big trouble if her bf came looking for you.

Try send her flower like she asked with a card.

With 2 option on the card and see her expression when she read the card. Give flower in person.

1= "Friend4Ever" advice do at the working place,

2= "Love You" kind of risky, since no going back. Dont give her at working place. Based on your description of her i think she a person who jokes around, you can always said it a joke if she rejects you.

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