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Midori said:


When you're talking about an affair, passion is great. When you're talking about lasting love, you need someone capable of loving truly and deeply


Made me wonder what folks think about passion. First of all, what's your definition of 'passion'? How important is it to you, given your definition? Anyone have both elements described above (deep love AND passion)? (Mind you, if you're here, I suppose it's because one or the other or both is missing). Would you give up one for the other?

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To me, passion evokes images of being devoured by or engulfed in something. It is all consuming and leaves room for little else. It is in essence a very basic and selfish emotion. To be passionate about something or someone is to desire it is it not?


I think passion needs to be balanced by logic and reason. Only then do we approach something closer to the definition of true love/deep love.

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First of all, what's your definition of 'passion'?


“Passion,” to me, is that which inspires or incites powerful and almost overwhelming emotions and/or feelings. These feelings might include strong sexual desire, lust, fervor, anger and even rage when one becomes “passionate” about another person, situation or personal cause.


How important is it to you, given your definition?


While “passion” may feel exciting, I also realize that it is also temporary. It helps when one understands how our brain chemicals work and how they are a natural and necessary biological process in the human mating ritual. Of course, learning the science of love has zapped the mystery right out of “passion” for me! But I also think, without this understanding, it would be easy to become addicted to the PEA ‘high’ and therefore detrimental to sustaining any healthy long-term relationship past the point where the butterflies, weak knees, and “passion” wears off.


If I didn’t already know that within two years of my relationship, those brain chemicals were going to wear off, then I might start to think that I was no longer in love, or perhaps even blame my partner for the lack of “passion” we were feeling. I could easily become like the countless others who jump from partner to partner because they have become addicted to passion and that PEA rush.


Anyone have both elements described above (deep love AND passion)?


I have a ‘deep love’ for my partner, and because our relationship is still relatively new, it is still mixed with intermittent feelings of passion. But the passion is not the kind that incites uncontrollable emotions, intense lust, or seeks to create unnecessary drama. Those moments of passion come when I take inventory of our relationship and become overwhelmed by feelings of appreciation, gratitude and respect for the man who thought enough of me to make our relationship together the most important part of his life.


Would you give up one for the other?


I’ll take deep love over passion any time.


As Johnny would say: "Save the drama for your momma!" :D

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