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How do I get her open up when she won't talk about her feelings and get her spirit up

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I have known her for more than a year. Three or four months ago she broke off with her bf and she felt very sad. Now she looks like back to normal self but she seemed change in her behaviour. Nowadays she often looks for new guys to go out and meet. Guys known from internet or meet outside or friends recommend. Previously she wouldn't just go and meet new guys. She mentioned to me she is ok but do not really feel happy inside. Nowadays she do not talk much with me and we seldom go out even though i have known her for more than a year. Recently she has been drinking alot of alcohol (sometime till drunk) and start smoking. Previously she is able to control her drinking. Sometime she even skips attending her university classes. Seemed, like her life is spiraling downwards. She said she feels terrible inside and lost trust of friends and no mood to study. But her outside appearance looks happy and joyous. For the past months I have try to talk to her or get her to open up about her feelings or make more conversations. Is she feeling insecure, low self-esteem and feel self worthless? Why she look for new guys to go out and meet? How do I get her to open up when she won't talk about her feelings, or even make a lot of conversation? Why is she covering up when she always feels terrible inside but looks normal and sometime happy outside? How to get her feet up again? I am at lost here. Anyone please give any comment and advice. Thanks...

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Sometimes the more you push a person to open up, the tighter that person closes up. It seems as if she doesn't want to open up, and the more you pry into her the more likely she will be to back off.


It's hard to watch a friend do this to themselves, but sometimes you just have to let them hit bottom before they realize they need help.


The guy thing is just her way of meeting guys. She might have felt pent up in the relationship. Sometimes people don't meet or talk to members of the opposite sex when they are in a relationship, so this is her way of making up for lost time. I don't see anything wrong with her meeting new guys. Unless she is putting herself in dangerous situations.

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