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am I strange not to like his idea?


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The guy-friend I considered dating. I told him we should get together more often and see how that goes. His suggestion: picnic in some park - he wants to take black-n-white pictures of me. I'm turned off by the idea completely - sounds terribly cheesy and uncomfortable.


Is my reaction odd?

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I'd say it depends on the sorts of photos and why he wants to take them. If he is taking a photography course, of if his hobby is photography, I don't see the harm. If he wants you to strike porn poses, that might be a different story.

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I would be flattered if a guy I liked wanted to take me on a picnic and take pictures of me. But that's just me. We're all different.

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I'm going to disagree here and say no matter how flattering it is, if it makes you feel uncomfortable then you need to decline.


Something about this situation obviously doesn't feel right to you. Why?


You need to identify what the issues are here and then ask yourself if the issues involve you or him.


If you see a red flag, pay attention to it.

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I don't think its a big deal. He don't have to be in a course to enjoy taking pictures. Its probably just a hobby and Im sure its nothing to do with pornography. Me and my X-girlfriend still go to some parks sometimes and mess around taking pictures of each other. Its just fun and something to look back on. It seems almost childish that you would let this stand in the way of a possible relationship....just because he likes to take pictures., cmon

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How you feel is how you feel, I don't think you're odd, nor do I think your reaction is odd.


Did he mention WHY he wants to take these pics? Is he big into photography or something? Maybe he's really smitten with you, would like a picture of you (nothing weird about that) but doesn't know how to come right out and say "I'd like a picture of you"????


However, if you feel uncomfortable (I know I probably would, I hate having my picture taken), then that's your prerogative and he shouldn't force you or pressure you into doing something you don't feel comfortable with.

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If you liked to sketch people and you thought your friend who you like would be a great person to sketch would you think that person would be offended. I just think he has a hobby and wants to share it with you. I like to take pictures. Its really odd asking someone you don't know to go stand over there by that tree so I can take your picture......So instead, you ask the people that are your friends.........

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"His suggestion: picnic in some park - he wants to take black-n-white pictures of me."


I'd say if you're not good enough for color pictures, poop on him. Kidding aside, you ought to be flattered that he finds you worthy of his camera. It's certainly a different kind of date and one where you will learn much more about him than on a standard outing. I would think most women would be flattered.

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Thank you for all the comments.


I love being sketched. I also like people taking pictures of me - but not on a special trip, just day-to-day. I guess I don't like the idea of posing for pictures.


He did ask for a picture of me, by the way. And in addition, for this picnic.


Anyway - I told him I had no time and went out with another guy - which shows i shouldn't be dating the picture-taker in the first place. He deserves somebody who is more into him.

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Darn it..........my sympathy goes out to the picture guy.....poor picture guy, Im a picture guy. Maybe thats my problem........hmmm

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