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ok here is my problem, I was dating this girl for about two years. We were both in love with each other and even planned on getting married someday. Well just about 3 weeks ago she broke up with me coz she said she just wanted to be alone right now. That's the only thing she would tell me, i asked her all kinds of questions but she wouldn't answer any of them. I ran into her mother last week at the store. She said she found out that she broke up with me coz she felt that her being alot younger than me(her-17 me-23) that she felt she was holding me back from things i wanted to do because of her age. (i don't really understand that)Over a week ago I started seeing someone else. This new girl really likes me and i really like her also. I do want to continue with this new girl but i still have ALOT of feelings for my ex . Im scared to death that my ex will call me. Her mother said that she garentees that she will. I really like this new girl and i don't want to loose her or hurt her feelings. Im afraid that if my ex calls me and wants me back, that i would hurt this new girl's feelings. Im really trying to get over my ex coz I really want to try it with this new girl. Me and this new girl are alot more alike and have alot more in common than me and my ex. BUT, im still very much so in love with my ex, and i also find my ex more physically attractive than this new girl. If anyone has anykind of advise, it would be greatly appriciated.

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Your ex is very, very young. Girls that age have a lot of growing up to do, a lot of exploring, a lot of experiencing and they can be extremely fickle. Count your blessings that she spent two whole years with you. That's great.


You'll probably NEVER know the real reason she broke up with you but my guess is that there is probably someone else she is interested in. If she really cared a great deal for you, she wouldn't give you such a lame excuse as she feels she's holding you back.


You will have feelings for your ex for a while. Things that took a while to develop don't just go overnight. You will heal over time. I'm actually surprised that you started seeing someone else so fast but that's OK. But it seems due to your ex's style and maturity level, she is able to leave you superfast without much trouble.


Let her go for now. If it was meant to be, she'll be back at some point. If you are available then, great. Otherwise forget it. You deserve to explore other areas yourself and find someone mature enough to care for you long term. As far as attraction goes, you will probably be attracted to the young chirpies for a long time but their heads will never be where yours is.


She may think you are a bit old for HER now, but just think, when you are 100, she will be 94 and way too old for YOU!!!

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billy the kid

well I think that you need to take some time off and do some soul searching... what is it that you really want??? I think that is the real question.. sorry I am always so blunt, but I believe in bluntness not beating around the bush (excuse the pun) but playing is just that... If you want go aout and throw a foot ball around would you bring a tennis racket?? so take time to look at what you really want to do and do that... no switching games in the middle..

ok here is my problem, I was dating this girl for about two years. We were both in love with each other and even planned on getting married someday. Well just about 3 weeks ago she broke up with me coz she said she just wanted to be alone right now. That's the only thing she would tell me, i asked her all kinds of questions but she wouldn't answer any of them. I ran into her mother last week at the store. She said she found out that she broke up with me coz she felt that her being alot younger than me(her-17 me-23) that she felt she was holding me back from things i wanted to do because of her age. (i don't really understand that)Over a week ago I started seeing someone else. This new girl really likes me and i really like her also. I do want to continue with this new girl but i still have ALOT of feelings for my ex . Im scared to death that my ex will call me. Her mother said that she garentees that she will. I really like this new girl and i don't want to loose her or hurt her feelings. Im afraid that if my ex calls me and wants me back, that i would hurt this new girl's feelings. Im really trying to get over my ex coz I really want to try it with this new girl. Me and this new girl are alot more alike and have alot more in common than me and my ex. BUT, im still very much so in love with my ex, and i also find my ex more physically attractive than this new girl. If anyone has anykind of advise, it would be greatly appriciated.
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