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Madly in love with a friend...

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I really hard fall in love, I am 14 years old, but I've been in love only 2 times (if you count this). But when I fall in love, then I fall REALLY BAD.


I met her 4 years ago, and we became friends about a year ago. Anyway, we are really good friends, she is my best friend, and she tells me that I am her best friend too. 2 month ago (or little less), I started to feel that I love her more then just a friend.. 2-4 weeks ago, for some reason, I told her that I'm in love with her. Don't ask me why, but I just did. I knew she wouldn't be happy because of it, but I still did. She told friendly that I must stop it, and we are still best friends. But every day, it's stronger. It changed me so much. I dream about her every night, I cry because of her almost every day, before I used to play Video Games really much, and now I don't at all, I even stopped feeling hunger. I would do anything, just to make her love me in a way I love her, I would even die for her... If someone gave me a chance to chose between her and the prettiest, hottest woman on the Earth, I would chose her... I'm really jealous on any guy that talks with her. She is the best and the worst thing that ever happened to me. I want her badly, I really do.


The problem is, I think that she will never see in me anything more then just a friend..

Other thing is, if only I was a little more prettier, maybe I would have a chance, but I am really ugly. Well, not that ugly, but I think I'm bellow average, and she is the most beautiful woman on this planet.


Please help me, I don't know what to do. In a month I'll maybe never see her again, because we are splitting different ways, going to different high schools, and we will only talk on MSN/phone or whatever, and I don't know how will I take that. I barely stand not seeing her for 2 days, and that is when I talk to her on MSN or whatever, and every time I think about that I won't never see her again I'm really sad, that I sometimes start crying.


Help me please, I'm desperate.

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Other thing is, if only I was a little more prettier, maybe I would have a chance, but I am really ugly


This has nothing to do with it. There just isn't the sexual chemistry between you for her. You need to back off for a time so your feelings can subside.

When you're ready, start looking for another girl for romance. It is the only way you can keep her for a friend, if that is your wish.

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I'm saying you have been friends to long and she will likely never see you as more than a friend. If her friendship is important to you then you need do as I suggested. It sucks but friendship is important and think before you just end a good friendship because you want a romance.

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Why do you love her? What is it about her that you love?


Sometimes people fall in love simply because they can't have something.


Anyhow... when I was 15 I remember thinking I was in love but looking back I realize that it wasn't love at all. I was just really infactuated with this guy.


So... this is why I am asking what it is that you love about her. Asking yourself this will help you understand what you are feeling and you may come to the conclusion that you two really don't have anything in common.


I think you should stop focusing on her for a minute and focus on yourself and what you are feeling. You may not understand this now because you are young.. but later on in life... that's what you are going to have to do to get anywhere with anyone. Having a healthy relationship starts with 'You'.


Also... she's already told you that you two are 'just friends'. So I don't think you have a chance with her at this point. And you are young... there are more fish in the sea.

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Why do you love her? What is it about her that you love?


Sometimes people fall in love simply because they can't have something.


Anyhow... when I was 15 I remember thinking I was in love but looking back I realize that it wasn't love at all. I was just really infactuated with this guy.


So... this is why I am asking what it is that you love about her. Asking yourself this will help you understand what you are feeling and you may come to the conclusion that you two really don't have anything in common.


I think you should stop focusing on her for a minute and focus on yourself and what you are feeling. You may not understand this now because you are young.. but later on in life... that's what you are going to have to do to get anywhere with anyone. Having a healthy relationship starts with 'You'.


Also... she's already told you that you two are 'just friends'. So I don't think you have a chance with her at this point. And you are young... there are more fish in the sea.


Well, I love everything about her. I can't remember a thing that I don't love about her.


I like talking to her, her generosity, her goodness, her voice, her smell, her looks, her intelligence, her cuteness, and the list goes on. Hell, if there is something on this world that I love it's HER. I just can't stop thinking about her.


And Yamaha, I just don't know about the friendship thing. Yes, we are good friends, but I know I'll always want more. Of course, if nothing, I would like to stay friends with her, but at this moment, I just don't know.

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Man, I've been in your shoes. The fact is, there is nothing you can do. She isn't interested in you, and that is an unchanging thing. You are killing yourself with this infatuation you have with her. I really doubt it is love (but who am I to judge?) The absolute, #1 best thing you can do is forget about her. Find someone else, get a hobby, do anything.


I felt the exact same way about a girl I know. It went on for years, until I finally just said "**** it. She won't ever be into me." I am now really busy and though I see her everyday, it doesn't bother me anymore. I now have a girlfriend and life is good, though no matter how much I love my girlfriend it still pains me to think about her with any other guy.


Basically, what I am saying is that you have put her on a pedestal. I know for a fact that she isn't as great as you make her sound. One more thing that can help is to actually find faults in her. Try your hardest to be an ass in you head and find her problems. This may seem really bad, but soon you will be better.


You gotta move on and deal with it. Isn't life fun?? ;)

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She has already said how she felt. looks have nothing to do with anything. and.. you're going to have to accept that. I have been in a very similar situation to you but... trust me... forced time away from her will make you think clearly. you aren't an idiot for loving her, just maybe you weren't careful enough in how hard you fell for her.


Clarity from forcibly removed from her is a beautiful thing, which is what you need. By the way

Try your hardest to be an ass in you head and find her problems. This may seem really bad, but soon you will be better.
that really doesn't work when you're blinded by whatever it is you feel.


Last thing... forcibly put her out of your mind for a while when she's gone. Don't worry, if you do love her; I'm sure you can be patient.

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oh man, your feelings right now were exactly what I experienced 6 months ago. I fell so deeply for a friend that I thought I would have died if I hadn't had any chance to see him. However, when I went to college (the same college with him), I was surpised by my new feelings. I met him a couples of times just by accident. I admitted that I still had some feelings for him; however, it was subcided because of many reasons. I was so busy with school, work, stuff...And another reason is I met a lot of new people, new guys. Even now, I still admit that I see him as the best friend and the nicest guy I've ever met. However, I taste the truth that trying to start a relationship with him is a hopeless dream at this point. So I'd just better keep this friendship and giving chance to somebody else who cares about me and who is around me (he does not have any same class with me)

My advice is trying to find sth interesting to you. You will still keep thinking 'bout her, but at least try to do sth that takes time. It's better than keep contacting her and get nothing at all. Trust me, when you guys go to high school, you'll meet new people, have new work, and probably...a lot to do. So your feelings will be eliminated gradually

Don't panic, you're still young. Life does not end without the presence of a girl.

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Thank you everyone for your help.. I'll try to do that.

Btw, can this mean anything:


I noticed that (because she knows I am very jealous), she always likes to annoy me with that. Like 2 days ago, when we were talking on MSN and having our cams on, we were talking about one of the guys I was jealous of, and she told me (like a joke or something) "That's because he loves me and you don't :D", and she knows that I always say to her that I love her etc. when she says something like that. And there is much other things like that. Like she wants me to say to her that I love her, and want to see my facial expression when I say it etc., but still she says that it little annoys her when I am jealous.


And yesterday, we were talking about how she will marry this guy (again one of the guys I was jealous of), and in 15 years I will be her lover etc.


I know she's probably saying it for no reason, but I was just wondering.

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you're wonderng because you till want to believe in something there. You have to put her out of your mind and think clearly. She sounds like a person who loves the attention. She can't help it, maybe she gets a buzz in thinking there's someone out there who loves her but she obviously doesn't treasure the thought of it in the way you would have wanted her to. Hell she's practically dangling a fishhook in front of you by doing that. Look at yourself, don't take this crap. Loving someone is not becoming a footstool for them, even if you would gladly do so.


Just put her out of your mind and you will gradually come back to your senses. Then maybe you'll come back to how you feel about her from a more sensible, less desperating approach.

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Thanks man. I'll just try to forget about her... If I can... But I still want to stay friends with her, she is my best friend and I don't want to lose her.


btw @

She sounds like a person who loves the attention.

She doesn't really love attention..


Thanks for your help everyone.

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